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Change "MachForm Panel" Title?
Started 9 years ago by pkirill | 6 posts |
Is it possible to change the "MachForm Panel" page title in the admin area? If so, where/how can I do that? Thanks!
Posted 9 years ago # -
I assume you mean the default Machform logo. (the "MachForm" that appears on every admin screen). That is an image, not text.
In the Settings panel, under "Miscellaneous Settings" there shoudl be an option, "Admin Panel Image URL".
Upload an image of your choosing (to your website's disk space e.g.
Put in the full URL (including http:// or https:// if using SSL) in that field pointing to your logo image. Refresh the screen and it should then show your logo.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Hi - thanks for the reply - but no, not the logo. I have that. What I am referring to is the actual page title that appears in the browser tab. For example, if you view the page source for the admin area, you would see this: <title>MachForm Panel</title>
I can't seem to find where to change that. Thanks.
Posted 9 years ago # -
In Machform 4.7, at least, you will find the code that generate that html here:
/machform/includes/header.php, line 4
I assume you are well aware that when you modify the base code of Machform, you will lose your modifications the next time you upgrade.
FYI, I didn't do anything clever to find this, just a brute-force search through the text of all the files in the Machform 4.7 "machform" folder.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Darn it - well I definitely appreciate the time you took to do that. I *thought* I had done that and came up empty. Sincere thanks for your effort!
Posted 9 years ago # -
You're welcome; I'm glad I was able to help. It didn't take long and I was curious myself.
Posted 9 years ago #
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