[v3.3 Preview] Multi-User is coming!

Howdy! 😀 We’re very excited to let you know that one of the most requested feature, that is multi-user machform, will be coming within the next update (v3.3) of MachForm!

You will be able to add more users to login to your MachForm and depends on the permissions you define for each user, they can have specific limited permissions to specific forms or even complete access to all forms.

When you add a new user, you will be prompted to define privileges and permissions. More on this below.


Privileges are basically super powers to let the users to create new things. There are 3 privileges you can assign for each user (create new forms, create new themes, administer MachForm). The last privileges (administer MachForm) is the most powerful one. User having this privilege is basically having full control over your MachForm.


In addition to privileges, you can also define custom permissions to individual forms. For each form, there are 3 permissions that can be assigned to the user, they are Edit Form, Edit Entries and View Entries. This way you will be able to add user with a read-only access to one or more forms, and many other possibilities!

Below is an example screenshot of the form manager seen by a user with only View Entries permission to some forms.

Users Limit

Depends on the license type, each license will have different limit on the number of users you can add for each installation of MachForm.

5 users
20 users
unlimited users

Price and Availability

Version 3.3 will be released this July and it’s a FREE update for all v3 owners!

MachForm 3.2 Released

MachForm version 3.2 is now available for downloads on Members Area.

This version contain several new features, improvements and many bugfixes!

What’s new in MachForm 3.2



Enhancements and Bugfixes


  • Option to display guidelines below the field.
  • Improved form loading performance when being embedded using Javascript code.
  • Added Hungarian language support for the form
  • Added Singapore Dollar on PayPal page
  • Improved primary and secondary action buttons visibility on multipage form
  • Bugfix: Some PHP 5.2 versions are buggy and we need to use buffered queries
  • Bugfix: Download link for file uploads that being sent within confirmation email is incorrectly formatted
  • Bugfix: Default From Name and default From Email from the main settings are not being used when sending email with no sender email or name
  • Bugfix: The flash object for advanced file upload is having white background instead of transparent
  • Bugfix: Uploading file with apostrophes within the filename causing error
  • Bugfix: On multi-page form, the file upload field check the ‘required’ file incorrectly
  • Bugfix: Edit entry on multipage form doesn’t pre-populate file upload fields correctly
  • Bugfix: Incorrect validation on edit entry page that caused file upload being set as required
  • Bugfix: Guidelines which contain double quotes caused markup error on Single Line Text field
  • Bugfix: Fixed file upload data path issue with advanced uploader
  • Bugfix: Bulk insert options not working properly on some cases
  • Bugfix: On Safari, under OS X Lion, when editing multi-page form, any changes to the form can’t be saved
  • Bugfix: On theme editor, setting border to none is not being displayed properly on the preview pane
  • Bugfix: Unable to save email settings and main settings page on some PHP version
  • Bugfix: The date picker on the form builder property page act incorrectly by forcing the year value
  • Bugfix: File upload using PHP embed code doesn’t work properly, including deleting attached files
  • Bugfix: Path to captcha.php is incorrect when the form being embedded using php code
  • Bugfix: Emailing entry from entry manager doesn’t parse the correct From Name and From Email
  • Bugfix: PayPal link is being sent using ‘&’ as query separator on some PHP settings, causing errors
  • Bugfix: Swift mailer library failed to send email when the files folder is not writable
  • Bugfix: Middle name shouldn’t be required when the Full Name field format is being used
  • Bugfix: Page break field being displayed as “mf_pagebreak” when the email is being sent using plain text format
  • Bugfix: Duplicating form display incorrect error message
  • Bugfix: File attachment not being sent when email format is plain text
  • Bugfix: On Edit Entry page, the ‘Other’ field of a radio button is not populated correctly
  • Bugfix: On some MySQL server, adding page break caused integrity constraint error during save form
  • Bugfix: Using image button on last page of multipage form caused the form failed to be submitted and failed file upload
  • Bugfix: The submit buttons shouldn’t be highlighted when the form being submitted
  • Bugfix: Deleted form shouldn’t be displayed when opened directly
  • Bugfix: Resume option shouldn’t be displayed when a password protected form being displayed
  • Bugfix: The resume link is having incorrect path when the form is being embedded using PHP code
  • Bugfix: Added District of Columbia into US State list


How to Update

This update is free for all v3 owners.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Members Area.

If you are currently using v3.0 or v3.1, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x to 3.2

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 3.2

Electronic Signature on Your Forms!

On our previous blog post, we explained the improved functionality of Section Break field to display terms and agreement paragraph into your form.

Now, the next question is, how do I add an electronic signature to the form?

The most common way to add “signature” on the web (and perfectly legal) is by adding a checkbox of some sort to your form, asking the user to agree to your terms and conditions. Or you can also add Full Name field into the form and ask the user to type their full name as their signature.

The new MachForm (v3.2) allows you to do the above and going further with the new Signature field.

Simply add the signature field as you would add any other field type. And the result is:

A lot more powerful agreement form with a legal electronic signature 🙂

And the good news is, this signature field works on computers or touch devices! Your users will be able to use their mouse to draw their signature or use their finger on touch devices (iPhone, iPad, etc).

Scrolling Section Break

Ever need to create a contract form or an agreement form that need to display a long terms and agreement? If you have done this previously, most likely you ended up with a long form.

Most of you most likely already know that you can use Section Break field to insert any amount of text into your form. Within the release of MachForm 3.2 we’ve improved the functionality of Section Break field and added an option to allow the section break to display vertical scrollbar.

This is very useful to display large amount of text, so that you still be able to have a short and simple form, yet all the text still being displayed within the form.

Combine this with the checkbox field and you have an awesome and powerful agreement form. Take a look an example below:

Pretty neat isn’t it? 🙂

[v3.2 Preview] New Admin Themes!

MachForm 3.2 is on the horizon and going to be released by the end of this month.
One of the new feature we added is that MachForm now has admin panel themes!

While we really love the current admin theme (orange), we realized that not everybody is on the same boat regarding this, since color is pretty much personal preference.

So we added new admin panel themes based on your feedback. It’s not just one or two, we added five new themes! You will be able to change the admin panel theme easily from the settings page.

Below are the screenshots of the new themes. I hope you love it! 🙂

Business Blue

Natural Brown

Emerald Green

Timeless Gray

Strong Red

MachForm 3.1 Released

MachForm version 3.1 is now available for downloads on Members Area.

This version is the first minor update release within v3.x branch, which contains several bugfixes and one new feature.



  • Feature: Added Russian and Estonian language for the form.
    (Courtesy of EUROPEAN NETWORKS — thank you for the translation!)
  • Bugfix: PayPal link is generated with the same invoice number, causing problem for some users
  • Bugfix: Disabled form should display ‘inactive message’ instead of terminating
  • Bugfix: Entry Manager displays T_ELSE errors on PHP 5.3.10
  • Bugfix: Default settings of Swift Mailer caused open_basedir error message
  • Bugfix: Change Password within IE8 is not working
  • Bugfix: Duplicate Form is not working on MySQL 4.1
  • Bugfix: The default mail function (non SMTP) may not working properly on some host
  • Bugfix: Template variable for email From Name is not working on form with review enabled
  • Bugfix: Sending email with empty address caused SwiftMailer uncaught exception
  • Bugfix: Disable past/future date validation not working properly on all servers
  • Bugfix: Forms with PayPal enabled and having custom Redirect URL should have the return_url being set to the Redirect URL


Updated Files


  • lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Transport/MailTransport.php
  • lib/swift-mailer/preferences.php
  • includes/view-functions.php
  • includes/post-functions.php
  • includes/helper-functions.php
  • includes/common-validator.php
  • includes/language.php
  • js/main_settings.js
  • manage_entries.php
  • duplicate_form.php
  • edit_form.php


How to Update

If you are currently using v3.0, download the package from Member Area. Upload the whole machform folder and files into your site folder, overwriting your old machform files. The only exceptions are the “data” folder and config.php file. DO NOT overwrite them.

Alternatively, you can simply update the files listed above.

MachForm 3 is now available!

We’re very excited to announce the immediate availability of MachForm 3!

This release is a huge improvement over previous version which made MachForm even more intuitive, powerful and fun.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 3


Multi-Page Forms

Split your forms into multiple pages
and display completion progress bars.



Visual Theme Editor

Easily use your own colors or fonts.
Packed with 20+ professional designs.


PayPal Integration

Create order forms and accept
payments instantly. No complex setup.


Save & Resume Later

Allows your clients to save partially
completed form and resume later.




  • All New Admin Interface
  • Improved, Full Drag and Drop Form Builder
  • Visual Theme Editor
  • Multi-Page Form
  • Payment Processor Integration (PayPal)
  • Save Form and Resume Later
  • Faster, Fully-Featured Form Manager
  • Large Selection of Custom Fonts
  • File Upload with Progress Bars
  • Matrix Choice Field
  • And a lot more!


How to Upgrade

This is a major version release and you will be able to upgrade your existing license at the following prices:


Click here to upgrade

For those who purchased any license within 2012, this upgrade is free of charge and you can download the upgrade from our Member Area. Simply login there to get the update and your license key.

Thanks for your support!

A huge “thank you” to our awesome users and beta testers for helping us define and test this release, we couldn’t have done it without you!

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