[v4.0 Preview] Report Builder

Howdy folks! ๐Ÿ™‚

We’ve been working for quite some time now since the last release of MachForm. Now I’m happy to let you know that a new major version of MachForm (Version 4.0) will be released within the next few days!

This version comes with several major new features and the one we would like to share with you in this blog post is Report Builder.

Yes, finally! You can now easily create report for your forms. The new report builder allows you to build interactive charts and grid to analyze your form data.

And fear not, creating report is super easy! We’ve made sure to make it as easy as it could be for you to build the report. No technical knowledge needed.

Easy Setup

It should be as easy as 1..2..3, seriously!

All charts and grid built by the report are using cutting-edge HTML5 and fully compatible with desktop browsers and mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android phones/tablets).

For you techie people, MachForm will use SVG or Canvas or VML to render charts, depending on the browser capabilities. Also, similar as forms, each chart/grid can be embedded to any of your web page.

Pie Chart

Interactive pie chart. Hovering through the chart sections will display tooltip that contain additional information.

Clicking the legends will show/hide sections within the pie chart.

Each chart can be configured to use all entries data or using data from specific filter. This allows you to build charts using very customized data sets!

The color scheme/theme of your chart can be changed easily and there are lots of options you can adjust.

Bar Chart

Horizontal or vertical bar chart.

You can also stack the data as well.

Donut Chart

Line Chart

Line chart with two types of horizontal axis available. Category axis or Date axis.

You can specify the date range of the data being used to generate the chart.

Area Chart


The new grid widget allows you to display your form data to any page you want!

The grid is pretty neat, you can sort the data, reorder the columns or even group the data based on certain columns!

It’s very customizable as well. You can select which fields you would like to display and which fields to hide. This way, you can keep your private data safe, while sharing the public data on your site ๐Ÿ™‚


Anyone who purchased MachForm within 2014 will get this upgrade for FREE, while the rest who have purchased previously will be able to upgrade at a discount price (more details regarding this to be announced later).

MachForm 3.5 Released

MachForm version 3.5 is now available for downloads on Members Area.

This version contain several new features, improvements and bugfixes!

What’s new in MachForm 3.5



Enhancements and Bugfixes


  • Updated pattern images on theme editor
  • Added ZAR currency for Check/Cash payment/li>
  • Allow 100 years in the past for date selection
  • No longer using Google CDN for jQuery
  • Prevent form’s theme caching when user is logged in
  • Unpaid payment status shouldn’t be displayed within the email, to avoid confusions
  • Bugfix: Deleted entries shouldn’t be checked for “unique” rule
  • Bugfix: Selecting payment fields on column preferences caused error on entry manager
  • Bugfix: When using PHP embed code and PayPal+review is enabled, the form incorrectly redirect to Stripe
  • Bugfix: Unable to charge recurring payments when using Stripe
  • Bugfix: Unable to use the same field multiple times to build a rule
  • Bugfix: Embedded payment page doesn’t readjust the height properly upon errors
  • Bugfix: Resuming a submission isn’t possible when unique-ip validation is being enabled
  • Bugfix: Umlauts can’t be used properly to build logic
  • Bugfix: Typo on Finnish translation for Date field
  • Bugfix: Using 0 as keyword on logic for dropdown and multiple choice field doesn’t work properly
  • Bugfix: When review is being enabled and ‘check’ is chosen as merchant, the form doesn’t redirect to success page correctly
  • Bugfix: Image button of a theme on a form which has review enabled, is not being displayed correctly
  • Bugfix: Duplicating a form doesn’t copy the whole logic conditions properly
  • Bugfix: Skip logic to success page doesn’t work when a form has payment enabled and review turned off
  • Bugfix: When trial being enabled for Stripe’s recurring payment, the trial amount should be displayed into Total amount instead
  • Bugfix: When a field is being hidden due to conditional logic, it shouldn’t be displayed within the review page and email
  • Bugfix: Typo with YYYY on date field for Norwegian language
  • Bugfix: Skip-page logic to payment page always redirect to Stripe payment page regardless of merchant being used
  • Bugfix: A form with lot of skip-page logic functionality might not skipping into the correct page
  • Bugfix: Mobile-friendly form is not being displayed when using PHP embed code
  • Bugfix: When only shipping address being enabled, the ‘same shipping address’ checkbox on payment page should be hidden.
  • Bugfix: A “required” matrix field triggers validation error message, even though it’s hidden due to logic
  • Bugfix: When paypal and review page being enabled, and the price amount being entered by user is $0, the form generate error message
  • Bugfix: When new option of checkbox, radio button or dropdown being added and the field has prices, it need to be populated within the payment settings page automatically
  • Bugfix: Incorrect mime type for JPEG file
  • Bugfix: Editing an entry with date limit is not possible when the maximum date has been selected
  • Bugfix: Entries filter doesn’t work properly on empty/null values
  • Bugfix: Logic bind issue with matrix field
  • Bugfix: Editing an entry of a form that scheduled to inactive is not possible
  • Bugfix: When the form is inactive, payment total shouldn’t be displayed at all
  • Bugfix: Pagebreak field shouldn’t be displayed within review page
  • Bugfix: Text/number/paragraph limit should display better message when range min is the same as range max


How to Update

This update is FREE for all v3 owners.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Members Area.

For those still using older versions of MachForm (v1 or v2), you can Purchase an Upgrade License.

If you are currently using v3.4 or any v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x to 3.5

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 3.5

Several Improvements for v3.5

On our previous posts, weโ€™ve covered two major features (conditional logic for notification emails and price calculation using quantity field) that will be coming into v3.5.

Now we would like to let you know several other improvements weโ€™ve made for v3.5.

Sales Tax Calculation

You can now easily add sales tax charge into your form simply by entering the tax rate on your payment-setting page. Upon checkout, sales tax will automatically be added to the order total.

This feature is available for both Stripe and PayPal.

Image Uploader on Theme Editor

This is minor improvement but will save you lots of time!

Previously, to change the image of your formโ€™s logo or background image, you need to upload the image somewhere else (using FTP or web file manager) and then paste the URL into the Theme Editor.

Now, you can upload the image directly from the Theme Editor ๐Ÿ™‚ No more hassles and no more pain of opening another software just to upload an image!

Custom Form Inactive Message

Previously, when you disabled a form, it will simply display this message “This form is currently inactive” on all of your form.

On v3.5, you will be able to customize this message for each of your form. Very useful for forms such as event registration form, job application form, or any other form that is time-sensitive.

Personalized inactive message for each of your form would make it even more useful to your users and avoid confusions.

And that’s it! See you on Monday, May 13th 2013. Weโ€™ll be releasing v3.5.

Price Calculation using Quantity field

Payments Integration is a functionality that already supported by MachForm since v3.0. It works great and let you easily create order forms.

However, it doesn’t support one important feature, you can’t add a quantity field to calculate the total price.

Within the upcoming update (v3.5) we’ve added the functionality to let you define the quantity field. Simply add a “Number” field into your form and turn on “Enable as Quantity field” option.

You will be able to select the target field for the calculation to be made. Each number field can be associated with any other price-enabled fields (Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Drop Down, Price)

The total calculation will be displayed instantly as the user entered the quantity amount:

Neat eh? ๐Ÿ™‚


This functionality is available within v3.5, which should be released next week (May 13th, 2013) and is a FREE update for all v3 owners!

Conditional Logic for Notification Emails

On January (MachForm v3.4), weโ€™ve introduced conditional logic to show/hide fields and skip pages. Today, I’m happy to let you know that the upcoming release of MachForm (v3.5) will support conditional logic to send notification emails! ๐Ÿ™‚

This functionality actually already exist, using the Custom Hooks method, but it’s very limited and you need to manually edit a file. Which is a pain task to do.

Within the next update (v3.5) we’ve added a new panel within the Logic Builder to let you setup the rules to send emails, similar as setting up rules to show/hide fields or skip pages.

Using this new feature, you’ll be able to do the following tasks easily:


  • Send notification email to different person based on user choices
  • Send notification email with different content based on user choices
  • Send auto-responder email to customers with different messages based on their choices
  • Only send notifications when certain conditions being met
  • Dynamically customize the sender email address or name based on the conditions
  • etc


The possibilities are endless, since you will be able to add as many rules as you need and customize the whole aspect of the email (receiver, sender, subject, content) using as many conditions you can think of ๐Ÿ™‚

Simple Setup

There is nothing really new to learn about, we’ve made the interface to be similar enough as the field/page logic builder. So you’ll be familiar already.

Simply create the conditions, set the destination email address, select the email template and you are all set.

You can use the Notification Email template, Confirmation Email template or a custom template specific for the rule.


This functionality is available within v3.5, which should be released before the end of this month (May) and is a FREE update for all v3 owners!

MachForm 3.4 Released

MachForm version 3.4 is now available for downloads on Members Area.

This version contain several major new features, improvements and bugfixes!

What’s new in MachForm 3.4



Enhancements and Bugfixes


  • Advanced CSS menu will always being displayed on the theme editor
  • Added ScrollTo(0,0) to all embed codes. So that iframe always being scrolled to the top after form submission
  • Updated Google Web Fonts library (600+ fonts)
  • More protection against XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
  • Bugfix: .me domain is not validated properly on the website field
  • Bugfix: Unable to add new field on new form, even though the user has “create new form” privileges
  • Bugfix: Resume message doesn’t use the correct language
  • Bugfix: Review page on a form with resume enabled doesn’t display properly
  • Bugfix: “Remember Me” cookies doesn’t load the user privileges correctly
  • Bugfix: Unable to edit the form under IE7 due to Javascript bug
  • Bugfix: Editing an entry of a form that has IP limitation rule is not possible
  • Bugfix: Template variable for file upload field has broken anchor tag
  • Bugfix: Disabled dates on the date field aren’t validated properly on some case, due to leading zero issue
  • Bugfix: The date picker on the entries filter condition is not being initialized properly
  • Bugfix: Extra checking on delete_file_upload.php, so that it won’t generate error messages when the file being called directly
  • Bugfix: Single zero (0) bypassed range validations on text, number or paragraph field
  • Bugfix: Multiple Choice and Checkbox field with ‘other’ doesn’t collect GET parameters
  • Bugfix: Quotes aren’t displayed properly on the entries filter dropdown
  • Bugfix: Default timezone warning being displayed on server with no timezone being set
  • Bugfix: Extra space on email address causing validation error
  • Bugfix: Zero priced field shouldn’t be sent to PayPal
  • Bugfix: “Strict Standard” warning messages being displayed on PHP 5.4


How to Update

This update is FREE for all v3 owners.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Members Area.

For those still using older versions of MachForm (v1 or v2), you can Purchase an Upgrade License.

If you are currently using v3.3 or any v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x to 3.4

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 3.4

Accept Credit Card Payments on Your Forms using Stripe!

Another major new feature is coming into MachForm v3.4. You can now accept credit card payments directly on your forms. Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s all made possible by the extensive integration of MachForm with Stripe. You donโ€™t need a merchant account or gateway. Stripe handles everything, including storing cards, subscriptions, and transferring your payments directly to your bank account.

Once you’ve enabled payments with Stripe, your customers will enter their credit card information directly on the form on your site. This allows you to create the most streamlined payment forms, without having to redirect people off your website!

Simple Setup

There’s no complex technical knowledge needed to start accepting credit card payments on your forms.Once you created a form, youโ€™ll be able to turn on payment functionality easily.

Simply enter your Stripe API Keys, set your prices and your form is ready to collect money! MachForm will take care the whole validations and authorization process.

You can set your form to charge a one-time payment or recurring payments, along with the option to set trial period. If you need to collect Billing Address and Shipping Address, you can enable it easily as well.

Charge a fixed-amount payment or variable-amount payment. All can be done easily through the payment interface.

Easily Manage Transactions

The complete detail for each payment is automatically being saved into your MachForm. Youโ€™ll be able to search/sort through those payments using the powerful filtering option of MachForm Entries Manager.

You can also manually change the payment status. Useful when you need to refund a payment to your customer and change the payment status as well.

PCI Compliance

This is the best part of the new Stripe integration feature. It allows you to create secure, professional-grade payment forms, while still avoiding PCI requirements.

So how is that possible?

When collecting the credit card data from your customers, MachForm does not store any credit card numbers into your server. Instead, the data is being sent using secure connection directly into Stripe’s server, which is safe and handled in PCI-DSS compliant manner.

However, when collecting credit card payments, you still need to install SSL certificate into your site and use your form using HTTPS address. This is important to ensure the security of your payment-enabled forms.

Manual Credit Card Charge

Since all credit card data is being stored on your Stripe account. You will be able to charge your customer again in the future, anytime you need it.

Simply login to your Stripe dashboard, search your customer and charge them again there. Simple and easy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Payment Features

Below is the list of the main payment features supported within the Stripe integration:


  • Charge One-Time Payment
  • Charge Recurring Payment, with Trial Period support
  • Track Payment Status from Entry Manager
  • Create Customers into Your Stripe account
  • Send Notification Emails only on Completed Payment
  • Collect Billing Address and Shipping Address
  • Assign fixed-amount or variable-amount price



Currently Stripe is only available for businesses and individuals in the United States, Canada, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom. MachForm will automatically support other countries as and when Stripe makes them available.

[v3.4 Preview] Conditional Logic for Fields and Pages!

Woohoo! One of the most requested features is finally coming into MachForm. Yes, MachForm now support conditional logic to show/hide fields and skip pages ๐Ÿ™‚

Using this new feature, you’ll be able to dynamically show/hide fields based on selections being made by the user and/or to skip to a certain page. Very useful if you need to display different kinds of forms to different kinds of people without creating a lot of forms or having a single form with too many fields.

Creating logic for your form might sound complex. However, weโ€™ve made it as easy as possible so that you wonโ€™t need to do any programming. So, no worries!

Conditional Logic to Show/Hide Fields

You can either SHOW or HIDE a field based on one or more conditions. The conditions are evaluated instantly. Each time a user makes a selection or enters any text into the field, the conditions are being evaluated instantly and the associated field will be shown or hidden immediately.

Creating the conditions for a field are as simple as selecting the fields from the dropdown menu and defining the comparison value.

Conditional Logic to Skip Pages

This functionality allows your users to skip directly to a certain page based on their choices. Useful when you have multipage forms and need to display a different set of pages based on user choices or to skip a payment page and go directly to the success page.

Similar to the field logic, you need to define the conditions to skip to certain page.

As you can see, the interface to define logic for your form is very simple. You’ll be able to create smart forms without the headache of programming ๐Ÿ™‚

This functionality is available within v3.4, which should be released before the end of this month (January) and is a FREE update for all v3 owners!

[v3.4 Preview] Mobile-Friendly Forms!

Hi folks! ๐Ÿ˜€ During the last few months, we’ve been working hard to add a bunch of new features into MachForm and I would like to share one of the new feature we’ve been working on.

As you might aware already, most people nowadays aren’t just using the desktop computer to browse websites. Mobile devices, such as the iPhone, iPad or Android devices are being used more and more.

When you created a form using MachForm, it looks like this on the desktop:

It looks great, but not so well on mobile devices, because you need to zoom into the field to start filling out the form.

Within the next update (v3.4), we’ve added built-in support to all your forms to automagically display mobile-friendly version of your form.

The result of the above form when being viewed through the iPhone is:

Looks fantastic isn’t it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

There is no extra effort needed on your side. All your forms will automatically display mobile-friendly version when being displayed through small devices.

All the fields are being optimized for touch devices. Text fields are having larger sizes, checkboxes and multiple choices are being morphed into bars, form borders being removed to save space, etc.

In short, your forms will looks totally awesome on the desktop or mobile devices! Yay!
Stay tuned for the next feature preview of v3.4, I’m sure you all will love this update ๐Ÿ™‚

MachForm 3.3 Released

MachForm version 3.3 is now available for downloads on Members Area.

This version contain one major new feature, several improvements and many bugfixes!

What’s new in MachForm 3.3



Enhancements and Bugfixes


  • Form ID numbers are randomly generated now, to improve security
  • Added extra security protection to file upload fields
  • Once the CAPTCHA being validated for a session, the user won’t need to fill it again
  • Bugfix: When payment total is $0, it shouldn’t redirect to PayPal page
  • Bugfix: Using quotes for the filter keyword on the entries page caused error
  • Bugfix: PHP Strict mode caused error on export entries page
  • Bugfix: The range labels for text field and paragraph aren’t pulling style from the theme
  • Bugfix: Disabled form should display “inactive message” instead of cryptic error message
  • Bugfix: Quotes aren’t displayed properly on mail content when plain text option being used
  • Bugfix: Unique field caused validation problem when “form resume” option being enabled
  • Bugfix: Subtle bug with IE9 when editing the form. Text fields property carried over to other field
  • Bugfix: Editing entry on a form with captcha enabled generates error message
  • Bugfix: The download link for files within the email is incorrect when using PHP code
  • Bugfix: Form tags using international characters aren’t being saved properly
  • Bugfix: Spaces between email addresses on form’s email list causing some trouble
  • Bugfix: Unique “admin only” field having some validation error on edit entry page
  • Bugfix: Highlight background color can’t be changed when using Business Blue admin theme
  • Bugfix: Number’s range/min/max validation not working properly with decimals
  • Bugfix: Admin-only field that being set as “required” blocking the form from submitting
  • Bugfix: Template variable for Paragraph field on plain text email contain break tag
  • Bugfix: Clicking ‘previous/back’ button on multipage form shouldn’t validate for the current page
  • Bugfix: The total amount is displayed incorrectly on certain condition


How to Update

This update is free for all v3 owners.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Members Area.

If you are currently using v3.0-v3.2, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x to 3.3

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 3.3

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