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URGENT: Advanced CSS help

  1. TFteam

    1. Everytime I use <table></table> in description area, the form seems to automatically add 5 </br></br></br></br><br/> to my form. Pushing the entire table down the page for some reason

    2. I am trying to add column_3 (advanced css) to section break but it doesn't seem to apply?

    Please advise. Thanks.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    (1) Can't identify a problem......can you post a link to a sample form where this is occurring? Are you adding carriage returns (Enter key) within the Description section of the form, as that could be what is inserting the <br/> (line breaks).

    (2) Are you trying to align your section breaks in the same manner as described here - - it won't work.

    As noted on the above documentation page:

    However, there are some exceptions with the field alignment class. It won’t work on Matrix Choice and Section Break field . Also, these only work if you are using the default alignment for the field labels (Top Aligned). If you are using Left or Right Label Alignment for your fields, this won’t work.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. TFteam

    Hi AMurray,

    Thanks for the help.

    1. Can you please take a look at this:
    I am still not sure why using <table> in the description area automatically add <br> to my form.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. TFteam

    For 2. Yes, we are trying to align section breaks using the method on that link.
    So whats the best way to split the form into 3 columns {drop down + drop down + section break} ?

    I plan on replacing the 'section break' with a checkbox field. Then using advance CSS to hide that checkbox itself.
    Is that possible? If so, how do I do it?

    Please refer to this screenshot here:


    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. AMurray
    Pro Member

    Hiding and showing fields is done with conditional logic but I don't know if that's what you want. You can also make any field an "admin" field visible only to the Admin back-end and not to the end user. See here for conditional logic:

    Maybe I still don't understand exactly what youi're trying to achieve - sorry. I will leave this for others - such as Yuniar (developer of the MF product) to have a look at - it may be a while before he comes back to the forum, so suggest you submit a help request:

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. yuniar

    The field's label automatically convert new line into <br/> tag indeed. So if you inserted table tags, make sure to strip all new lines first.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #

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