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Theme CSS not updating

  1. mikevandling

    We have some old forms (VERY old) on a fully updated copy of Machforms (4.7). If i change it's theme to a new theme, the colors change but none of the styling for the form elements change. The only fix I've found is to copy the view.css into the specific form's css folder. Is this a bug or by design?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    Try clearing your browser cache, then F5 (or Ctrl+F5) to reload the form.

    Each form like /data/form_123 has two folders,


    The 'files' is for uploaded files through the form.

    The css should have the "view.css" you speak of, and I assume that is supposed to be updated according to any theme edits you do. The view.css you copied, I am guessing is the 'default' theme one, in the main machform folder, but as above, each form should have its own, if you modify or change the theme for the individual forms.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. mikevandling

    Ok i get what you're saying about the files, but what I'm seeing doesn't match up. I just tested it again and made sure to clear my cache between testing. Still reproducible. I have an old form using an old theme. Here is what it looks like when I have it using a newly created theme in 4.7:

    Now, I have a new form I just created this month. Using the same newly created theme in 4.7. If i copy that form's view.css to the old form this is what it looks like:

    Now, if i switch to different themes, the old form will look updated as it should. But until I do that overwrite, nothing changes.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. mikevandling

    I guess this is a known issue with no resolution?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. yuniar

    mikevandling -- this is actually by design. The new form styling and the old styling is having pretty much "drastic" change and MachForm won't force this new styling to your existing themes, as it might break with your existing design. You'll need to apply a new theme to use the new style.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. mikevandling

    I suggest there should be an option to overwrite the old view.css with the latest version included with Machforms. I was under the impression that when you selected a new theme, THAT is how it would look. But instead only half the syles carry over.

    "You'll need to apply a new theme to use the new style. "

    As you can see in my example above that IS what i did. I created a brand new theme and tried to apply it to an old form and you can see in the screenshots they look vastly different.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. mikevandling

    yuniar, could I atleast get a comment on my response? It really does not work as expected. Even if that IS intended functionality, there should be an option to force an update of the css theme file.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. mikevandling

    bump to hopefully get a response

    Posted 8 years ago #
  9. yuniar

    mike -- is it possible for me to login to your machform panel to check this directly? Changing the theme should enforce the new styling already.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #
  10. mikevandling

    Yes, I setup a user. Please let me know how I can send you the credentials. I created two forms. One is a new one and one is a duplicate of a very old form. They are both using the same theme, have the same fields, but look completely different.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  11. mikevandling

    Yuniar, just let me know how to send you the login information so you can see the issue at hand

    Posted 8 years ago #
  12. yuniar

    Sorry for the delay on this. Please send it to: customer.service [at]

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #
  13. mikevandling


    Posted 8 years ago #
  14. mikevandling

    Just wanted to reply with the resolution for anyone else that runs into this issue:

    "I read again my post in the forum and I think I'm mistaken in regard of applying new theme will force the new styling. My apologies.

    It's true that we leave the view.css file during the update (just for that particular version), since the change is quite "drastic" and pretty much subjective.

    Based on our past experiences, doing either way (update or not update) will results to some agreement/disagreement from several group of users. However, we need to decide and we decided to leave to old styling remain intact for existing forms.

    If you need to apply the styling to all your existing forms, this can be done by running a query to your database.

    Are you familiar with phpMyAdmin?
    If so, you can open your database and the run this query:

    UPDATE ap_forms set form_has_css=0;

    The above will force all your forms to use the new styling.

    If you're having difficulty, please let me know your FTP login info and I can update your database.

    Kind Regards,

    Yuniar Setiawan
    Founder, Appnitro Software

    Yuniar, thanks for this little bit of SQL, I used it and it indeed did as I had hoped. I understand software can't meet EVERYONE's needs. But that SQL is good enough for me. I shouldn't have to use it that often.

    Posted 8 years ago #

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