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SMTP Wow thought this version was plug & play ny help would be appreciated

  1. tiaka

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/includes/helper-functions.php on line 879

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Connection could not be established with host localhost [Connection refused #111]' in /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php:259 Stack trace: #0 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php(64): Swift_Transport_StreamBuffer->_establishSocketConnection() #1 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(115): Swift_Transport_StreamBuffer->initialize(Array) #2 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Mailer.php(80): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->start() #3 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/includes/helper-functions.php(908): Swift_Mailer->send(Object(Swift_Message)) #4 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/includes/post-functions.php(2770): mf_send_notification(Object(PDO), 10151, 7, 'customjoe6@yaho...', Array) #5 /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/machform.php(60): in /home/buffaloc/public_html/bcsform/lib/swift-mailer/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 259

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. tiaka

    Local host and or

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. celsiusmarketing

    looks like you need to enable some apache extensions.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. theMezz

    Your trying to use a pop email account to send form data...???

    Make sure your config is correct.

    if you are using gmail you need to use port 587 use ssl and set authentication to yes

    Posted 9 years ago #

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