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skip rule not working and continue button gone

  1. eunuchi

    Here is the form I'm creating:

    Ideally I have the skip rules set up so that when they answer the last question on page 4, which is "Are you applying for a Tribal business license or will you be working under another Nottaway Healthcare Provider?", with the second answer which is: "Working under another provider (Provider Signup Fee- $335.00)". it should skip page 5 and go straight to the payment page. Otherwise it continues to page 5 before going to the payment page. Problem is it doesn't work. PLUS when I tried/tested the form on my computer it gave me an error "ID required" when I hit continue and when I tried to go back I lost everything. When I had someone else try out the form, the continue button on page 4 wasn't there. There was no submit button, nothing, but I don't it that way on my side. Phew! I would love to get these issues fixed quickly! Please help!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. eunuchi

    By removing the skip rule, it fixed the "ID required" error after trying to continue between page 4 and 5, but of course now I don't have the ability to skip this page. Of course, that feature wasn't working anyways. Any help soon would be appreciated.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. eunuchi

    Unfortunately I didn't get any help with this nor did I hear from any support team on any of my other issues, BUT I did figure out this problem. In case anyone else runs into this, my problem was I was skipping straight to the payment page, but since I had the review option selected, I needed to set the skip rule to the review page. Once I fixed this, it worked great and I didn't get the "ID required" error anymore. Hopefully this is the last of my issues.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Saghalie
    Pro Member

    Thanks eunuchi for posting the results of your research!! I hope that this is useful to others who may have the same issue or issues!



    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. eunuchi

    I will add, I am still having trouble with the next/continue button disappearing. It does it randomly and if I refresh the page, it will come back. I had someone else test the form last night and they said that once they got to the second page, they couldn't continue either. Can you tell me why this is and what I can do to make sure this doesn't happen?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Saghalie
    Pro Member

    I really couldn't tell you why this is happening. Have you updated to 4.2.3 yet? I know that there was an issue with some browsers where buttons would disappear and from what I understand it was fixed in 4.2.3 - at least I believe that was the issue.



    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. eunuchi

    I don't know. We JUST bought machform so I would think so. How can I tell?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. eunuchi

    I found it. It's under settings in the panel. Yes, we have the newest version. 4.2.3. Any other suggestions or ideas? This is a big problem. If they start to fill out the form and get to the bottom and can't proceed, their going to be upset. I can't tell people to scroll to the bottom and look for the next button each time before they start the form. That would be ridiculous and not good business.

    Posted 10 years ago #

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