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Show how many spots are left (Limit Form Submission)

  1. presbyran


    Just wanna know if there is any way how to show how many entries are left for the form.

    I create a form and allow max 5 entries to be saved before the form gets disabled.
    I wanna show on the form that there is 3 enries left of 5 for the users, so they know how many spots are left.

    Is this possible?


    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. presbyran


    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. quadrant2

    That would be an awesome feature!!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. redityo

    I'm afraid currently there is no function to show remaining entries on the form.
    But if you don't mind with the customization, you can create custom code to show remaining entries in the top of your forms.

    To do this, edit includes/view-functions.php file and go to around line 5324, you will see these codes :

    //if advanced form code being used, display the form without body container
    if($integration_method == 'php'){

    then put these custom code above that line

    //custom code
    		if ( !empty($form->limit_enable) && $form->limit_enable == 1){
    			$query = "select count(1) total_entries from ".MF_TABLE_PREFIX."form_{$form_id} where <code>status</code> = 1";
    			$params = array();
    			$sth = mf_do_query($query,$params,$dbh);
    			$row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth);
    			$remain_count = $form->limit - $row['total_entries'];
    			$remain_entries_message = <<<EOT
    				<li class="remain_entries">
    					Remain {$remain_count} entries of {$form->limit }

    then go to line 5380 and 5428, you will see these code :


    and change the code to be like this


    MachForm Support

    Posted 9 years ago #

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