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Retrieve Images From Incomplete Forms

  1. kevinkosterman

    I have several multi-page forms with the "Save Progress" enabled. I need to download the photos from each entry (for both submitted and incomplete forms).

    Submitted forms are not a problem, as I just download from the confirmation email. I can log in to phpMyAdmin and see all of the content of incomplete forms in the database, including the URLs of uploaded photos, but I can't download them from there or access them from the FTP.

    For the forms that have a "Resume Key" I've just been able to access the URL and complete the form there. But there are quite a few that do not have a resume key.

    Any thoughts on how I may be able to access/download the photos from incomplete forms that do not have a resume key? Thanks so much!

    Take care,

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    I would say because they are not submitted at all (or haven't used the save and resume), they won't be (or shouldn't be) in the database.

    The only thing I can see, is that if you have the advanced file uploader field (which uploads the files immediately before submission of the form) the file is saved to the server in the data/files folder for that form. I tried it with a simple text file, and was able to retrieve and open it.

    Not sure about images but guessing same thing is possible and not sure of the situation for which you need the images - is it absolutely vital that you have them even from the incomplete entries without or without the resume later link?

    However since the entries you are asking about are not really saved or submitted, they are basically not existent, so you might be out of luck with retrieving the attachments but it is strange how you can't simply browse to the file in your FTP program (or cPanel file manager etc), and find the uploaded files there. For those that don't have the resume link you will have no way of knowing who the form is from or anything like that.

    I would be interested to hear Yuniar's opinion.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    Kevin -- in which table you are seeing those incomplete entries without resume key? Incomplete entries without resume key are either in progress (the user actually filling the form as you are seeing it) or the user abandoned the form after filling several fields. In case of the later one, any uploaded files are still being saved using ".TMP" extensions.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 10 years ago #

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