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Redirect after submission V3.4

  1. fmolstad

    Hello, I am trying to set up this in MachForms 3.4
    The code described in this thread was for Machforms 2.0 I think, as it does not do anything except break the forms in 3.4.
    Can you post the same function code for 3.4 so I can redirect to a specific page for a specific form after a specified number of seconds after my Submission Conformation text is displayed?
    ps- great job on the new version. Worth every penny.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    There are some major changes within v3 indeed.
    Can you let me know the following please:

    1) Are you using single page or multi-page form?
    2) Is "form review" enabled or not?

    The code would depend on those two.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. fmolstad

    Hello again yuniar.
    1) I am not using a multi page form.
    2) The form will not be enabled.
    (is there a way to install code either way? I will be using this for many different forms and there may come a time that I will need to use the "form review" option.


    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. fmolstad

    Do you require any more information from me to solve this one?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. yuniar

    Sorry, I missed your previous post!
    Ok, if you are using v3.4, you can edit your "includes/view-functions.php" file. Search around line 5686 for this code:

    <html {$embed_class} xmlns="">

    right below that line, add this block of code:


    Then go to line 5494, search for this:

    global $mf_lang;

    right below that line, add this code:

    if ($form_id == 1) {
       $custom_redirect_url = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5;url=">';

    that should work on all conditions (review enabled or not)

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #

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