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re-arranging address block

  1. susanfw

    I've got my form almost exactly as I want it, except for one issue with the address. I changed the address to remove the 2nd address line and country and to add a drop down for states. But now my zip code field is misplaced. I would like move the state field to the left and add the zip code to that line, so that city, state and zip code are on the same line. How would I do this?
    Here is my form:


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. redityo

    Hi Susan,

    Try to put these code in your CSS form :

    width:30% !important;

    that will adjust the element to have smaller width, so those field can be on the same line

    MachForm Support

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. susanfw

    That worked perfectly. Thank you.
    I have another similar question. On the same form, there is a Requirements section with 12 fields. I'd like to have four rows of 3 fields each. I used the same method you suggested for the address fields, but I'm finding that if the field with the label 'If so, what language?' is not in the 3rd column, I don't get the 3x4 correct column layout.
    If I switch 'Video' and 'What language', it comes out perfect. I shortening the label and the field size, but has no effect. That one field is a text field, while the others are drop downs.
    I'd like to leave the 2 interpreter fields first, because that's the most common requirement.
    Any suggestions?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. susanfw

    I accidentally fixed the problem of adjusting the layout of my 12 fields. I was fooling around with the borders and padding of the fields and coincidentally when a made the padding the text box 1 px less, my 12 fields lined up perfectly.

    Posted 15 years ago #

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