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Prepopulating Fields with Database Values

  1. ksanborn8


    I wanted to know if there was any way to automatically populate forms with data from a database. I am integrating my forms into my php database. The user is required to sign-in to his account before accessing any forms. Therefore, the system will know the user's e-mail address, name and address. Instead of the user having to enter this data on any form, I would like the to integrate php code that auto fills these fields. I am not really looking for the actual php solution to this right now. I merely want to confirm that it can be done. I understand that it will require more advanced coding than what you can probably cover in this forum.

    Can it be done?



    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    It can be done indeed. However, you need to do some PHP coding for this.

    Basically all you need to do is to write PHP code which do some query to your current database, save it into some variables and pre-populate it into your forms as default value.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 14 years ago #

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