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[closed] Passing variables from one form to a Machform

  1. mpivon

    Hello again!

    Things are working out GREAT so far.

    Now I have a challenge: I have one form on a web page with simple data collected. It is NOT a Machform page.

    Now, based on their response, I would like to have that form redirect to a new machform. Problem is, I DON'T want them to have to re-enter their personal information.

    Any idea how to do this? The non-machform page WILL have ONE unique data piece - lets call it {unique_ID}, which is also encoded in the URL, i.e.:{unique_ID}/, but then we would redirect to a new page with machform embedded in an IFRAME...

    Can I get the {unique_ID} info from the other form and populate it into a machform... is this beyond the scope of this forum / application?

    If this CAN'T be done, then can I at least embed a machform into the page using the IFRAME, and somehow pass the information from{unique_ID} to a hidden field within the Machform?

    To put it another way, I would have two forms on the same page: one would be a form that posts information from one database, and then the other form would be the machform. So when the customer presses the "submit" button, then I have a way of matching up both sets of data: the old stuff stored in a legacy system, and the updated stuff collected via machform...


    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    The challenge sounds great! :-)

    Yes, it is possible to do this. You just need to do some small modification.
    As a matter of fact, few users already asked about this kind of thing.

    You might want to check this post:

    So what you'll need to do is to dynamically generate the src attribute of the IFRAME, to include/pass your unique_id from the other form.

    Let me know if you need further help with this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. mpivon

    Yeah, I saw that. I see how I can do this by going from one machform to another machform. I just don't understand how I would do this with two separate forms on separate databases.

    Sorry Yuniar. I wish I was more skilled at this...

    Maybe I can buy a support package from you or something. That might help pay for all this time you're lending to these forums... I'd be happy to pay. :-)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. yuniar

    No worries.
    I've just sent you an email for further assistance. Please check it :-)

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. sujal

    Hi Yuniar
    Could you post the solution so others can see it too? I may need that in the future.


    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. yuniar

    Hi Sujal,

    For some technical reason, the customization didn't happen. mpivon's system is quite big and would take quite large effort to continue.

    Sorry for this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #

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