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Need a "Tiny" input box - CSS Help?

  1. pkirill

    Hi - I need to add a "tiny" text box in my form for small numbers. Something the size of one of the boxes in the phone field. I've tried a few different bits of css code in the theme editor but can't seem to get it to make a difference. The latest version was this: input#tiny { width=15px;}...

    Any ideas on how to make it happen?


    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. pkirill

    I figured it out... If I set it to small and column_4 or column_5 it shrinks the box to the size I need... BUT I would still like to know if it can be down with custom CSS :)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    You can add this CSS code into your theme:

    #main_body .tiny input.text{
      width: 15px !important;

    Then simply apply the "tiny" class to any field you would like to set using the small width.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 9 years ago #

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