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Name Field Format locked after form saved

  1. zforray

    v3.2 - I created a form with numerous name fields using the "Normal + Title" format. Now when I went back to change them (client didn't want title and such), the Format pulldown is locked/greyed-out. So far the only way I have been able to change this is to duplicate the field, correct it in the dup and then delete the original.

    Any reason for this or is it a bug?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. williamansley

    That's the way it is supposed to work. Once you save a form, you can't change the type of any of the fields. This makes the usefulness of the Format pulldown quite limited, but it does let you change your mind immediately after you have added a new field, if you realize you made a mistake right before you save the form.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    Once a field has been saved, the field type can't be changed indeed (those names fields are actually separate field type). This is by design (because of technical reason) and not a bug.

    So basically each field of your form is being stored on its own columns within the mysql table. Each field type is having unique structure and if we allow the user to change the field type it would require lots of validation and conversion on the backend.

    One example is if you have a "File Upload" field type and change it to a "Single Line Text" field, what should we do with any existing files which already uploaded? Or if you have a Matrix choice field and then change it into a Signature field, how should we change the data?

    Those are extreme examples but I think you get the idea.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #

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