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Logic - PayPal or Complete Form Only (v3.4)

  1. he4gaveme

    I am trying out an online donation form. I would like to place a field "Payment Form" to select either "Mail Check" or "Online Payment". The first selection would simply complete the online form and email a copy to the donator. The second would complete their donation to the PayPal process. Is this possible?????

    LOVE THE NEW LOGIC options!!!!!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    It is possible if you have multi-page form. You'll be able to activate the skip logic feature when you have multipage form.
    Put the "Payment Method" field into your last page (I suppose you can use Multiple Choice field).

    Then go to your logic setting page and create a rule to skip through the "Success Page" if "Mail Check" is selected.
    Also, you need to enable "form review" to make this work (this is actually a bug and we're currently working on it so that you don't need to enable the review option)

    So, once the user selected the "Mail Check", they will be redirected directly into the success page.
    Otherwise they will be prompted for payment using any merchant you have setup for your form.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #

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