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International things

  1. rgj

    First of all: this is a great tool!

    There are some things that are not really suited for the European market here. I already found the modifications for a more European address format but the same thing goes for time fields and phone numbers.

    * Europeans tend to use a 24h time format without AM/PM.
    * Phone numbers in the most European countries have only two groups of digits (here in .NL it's 2-8 or 3-7 or 4-6 so to suit all possibilities I would need a group of max. 4 digits followed by a group of max. 8 digits.

    Is it possible to add these possibilities (like already done with the date field), or release a patch for them in the forum?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Sorry, those two would require pretty much code modifications.
    Thanks for the requests though, it has been noted into our feature request list.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. rgj

    It's not that many code modifications.
    In export_entries.php, manage_entries.php, and include/entry-functions.php look for date("h:i:s A", ... and date("h:i A" and change them to "H:i:s" and "H:i" respectively. (There are 3 x 2 occurences)

    Around line 810 in includes/view-functions.php find the lines stating

    <select class="element select" style="width:4em;" id="element_{$element->id}_4" name="element_{$element->id}_4">

    and put HTML comments around it (<!-- ... -->)
    then add the line

    <input type="hidden" id="element_{$element->id}_4" name="element_{$element->id}_4" value="" />

    and you've got european time format.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. rgj

    Oh. Don't forget to remove the line

    $rules[$element_name_4]['required'] = true;

    around line #400 in post_functions.php

    Posted 16 years ago #

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