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Where can I remove the borders into the email?

  1. sonic


    Where can I remove the horizontal black borders into the email?


    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. redityo

    Hi ..

    I'm not get it about horizontal black border? Do you mean with bottom border in row values ? is it so you can remove button-border style by editing helper-functions.php on line 354 and 355

    $email_body .= '<td width="40%" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DEDEDE;
    padding:5px 10px;"><strong>'.$data['label'].'</strong> </td>'."\n";
    $email_body .= '<td width="60%" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DEDEDE;
    padding:5px 10px;">'.$data['value'].'</td>'."\n";


    $email_body .= '<td width="40%" style="padding:5px 10px;"><strong>'.
    $data['label'].'</strong> </td>'."\n";
    $email_body .= '<td width="60%" style="padding:5px 10px;">'.

    MachForm Support

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. sonic

    Yes, is that what I mean. Thanks
    The section breaks has still the black borders on the email, where can I remove this, also in the helper-functions.php?

    regards sonic

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. redityo

    By default machform do not send section breaks to e-mail,do you make some modification ?

    Anyway if you do so, I think it still in helper-functions.php to remove section break line.

    MachForm Support

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. sonic

    Hi redityo

    Yes, I have modified machform so that I can receive section breaks per email.

    And what exactly should I do on the helper-funktion.php to remove the border?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. redityo

    ah ... I see

    You see in helper-functions.php between line 353 ~ 356, you have make modification on it for showing section break. So you have to remove "bottom-border" style on that line also

    if ($data['element_type'] <> 'section')  {
    	$email_body .= "<tr {$row_style}>\n";
    	$email_body .= '<td width="40%" style="border-bottom:1px solid
     #DEDEDE;padding:5px 10px;"><strong>'.$data['label'].'</strong> </td>'."\n";
    	$email_body .= '<td width="60%" style="border-bottom:1px solid
     #DEDEDE;padding:5px 10px;">'.$data['value'].'</td>'."\n";
    	$email_body .= '</tr>'."\n";
    } else {
    	$email_body .= "<tr {$row_style}>\n";
    	$email_body .= '<td width="40%" colspan="2" style="border-bottom:1px solid
     #DEDEDE;padding:5px 10px;"><strong>'.$data['label'].'</strong> </td>'."\n";
    	$email_body .= '</tr>'."\n";

    MachForm Support

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. sonic

    Perfect, now it works fine.

    Posted 16 years ago #

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