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How do I access uploaded files?

  1. ddemaio

    Where do the files go once the user uploads them? Which folder, etc?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    From what I can tell looking at my own installation, they are in a folder as follows:

    /machform/data/form_x/files (where form_x is the form number e.g. form_1).

    However you should really access the upload files by the "Entries" function in the Form Manager.

    If you have set up Machform to email you the submissions (as site owner/webmaster) then simply open the email and click the link to download the file. (you will be prompted for the Admin password as this is an admin function not a public function)

    Edit (extra information):

    If you open your config.php, you will see where you should define the "data" folder (no need to change those settings, there should be a default already in there, such as:

    /** Data folder **/
    /** Folder settings for your CSS files and upload folder **/
    define('DATA_DIR', './yourfolder'); //CSS files folder
    define('UPLOAD_DIR', './yourfolder'); //for maximum security, set full path to any folder outside your document root

    Why do you need to know this, out of curiosity?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. ddemaio

    Because I need to be able to access the files, once they are on the server. Is there an easier way to do this through the "Entries" function?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. yuniar

    I think you should access it from your "Entries" section, instead of directly going to your upload folder.

    From your entries page, click the small view icon on the most left column. You will see a download link to your file there.

    Or you can also configure the columns to always show your upload fields. That way you won't need to click the view icon every time you need to download the file.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #

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