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How can I put three options that can be ranked by 1, 2 or 3

  1. nationjob

    I need to put a section in my form that will give the user three options and they need to rank the three options. Example below:

    Shift Preference- Rank in order, or indicate N/A if not available.
    ( ) 1st Shift ( ) 2nd Shift ( ) 3rd Shift

    What is the best format to use for this?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. DaveVoss

    Here's how we ask people to rank their prefered choice of contact methods:

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Juan

    You can use matrix choice for this. you have 3 columns for ranks and 3 rows for the options.
    hope this help

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. DaveVoss

    Thanks, Juan, that's what I had done. I see my link is no longer valid.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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