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Hide Form title?

  1. jpello

    When we create forms, we "brand" the website based on the event... we need a form title for the backend management but we don't want the form title to show up on the website when we insert the code.

    Is there any way to hide this?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. williamansley

    If you delete the form title and save the form, it will be assigned a title like this: "-Untitled Form- (#7183)" (at least in Machform version 3.3). You can assign a tag to your form to provide more meaningful title-like information. When you edit a form saved with no title, you will see the string, "This form has no title", where the title should be, but this text will not show up in the form itself; it is just a means to allow you to select the title and description fields for further editing.

    I have suggested elsewhere in this forum that the form title be separated from the form name; that is. that we be allowed to choose to use a different string (which I am calling the form name) to show up as the name of the form when we are dealing with it in the Form Builder than the string we enter in the "Form Title" field for that form, but Appnitro has not shown any indication that they are going to implement my suggestion.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Dialoguenet

    I agree, the form title should be not the same for the admin section.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. acquire

    You can also use css to hide it. Add display:none to the css in the form's css folder for #main_body .form_description h2

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. fg8

    A simple feature that is is available in other form software it just to toggle on or off the form name and description in the form. the manage form section can still report the name. Surely this would be simple to implement by Appnitro?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. williamansley

    @fg8: I'm sure it would be simple for Appnitro to implement this and I'm sure it is on their to-do list, since this has been requested more than once, but it is only one of many simple feature additions to Machform that have long been requested but not implemented. It would sure be nice if Appnitro would take a break from adding major new features and work on implementing some of the minor ones, like this one, that would add tremendously to Machform's usability with relatively little effort on the part of the Appnitro staff.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. jonathanpeck

    Add a tag name. The pencil icon on the forms page.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. fg8

    @williamansley: I totally agree. Unfortunately due to lack of simple features such as this one I have some forms for clients on Machforms and some with other providers. I'd prefer to have them all on Machforms. A simple approach on the title change would be to toggle off the title and insert an alias name that appears in the forms manager.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. doralevich

    Does anyone know of a good fix for this? What was the exact CSS code I should use to block the title?


    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. yuniar


    You can use this CSS code:

    #main_body .form_description{
      display: none !important;

    The option to easily hide/display the form title and description from the public view will be included as part of v4.4

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 9 years ago #

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