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Guidelines when tabbing, not just hover?

  1. munger

    Can anyone tell me how I can get the "Guidelines" to display when the user is tabbing through the fields instead of just when they hover?

    For some reason I thought this was built-in functionality in v3.3 (I thought it highlighted the current field and displayed the Guidelines, but my Guidelines will only display when the user hovers over the fields. (I have tested in both Chrome and IE9)

    Thanks in advance,

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. JerryH

    Mine does the exact opposite. (Firefox and IE9).

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. JerryH

    My Labels are on the left (not top) and my Guidelines are below, not beside.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. williamansley

    I'm not seeing what you are seeing. I just created a form using the default label and guideline positions and viewed it in IE9, as well as the most recent versions of Chrome and Firefox, by using the View option in the Form Manager. In all three browsers, the field highlights and the guidelines appear when I tab into each field.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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