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Getting "raw" form code?

  1. GilloD

    Hey guys,

    I'm thinking about purchasing MachForm. I really loved the pForm demo and I was really impressed by the MachForm live demo. I deal with enough forms in a new project that I'd gladly sink $40 and save myself the headache.

    The problem is that in my current project I'm also dealing with a user management module and some Amazon S3 integration that relies on form input. As a result, I need to do a lot of modification to whatever form code comes out.

    Basically, I just want MachForm to hand me a bunch of HTML. WHen looking at the Live Demo I saw features for embedding, but no just. "View Code" button.

    For those of you using MachForm right now, is it easy to just get the code and run with it or will I run into problems if I'm just trying to use it as a form generation machine, while divorcing it from my SQL/processing needs?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    So you would like to integrate the HTML form generation (the raw code only) to your current application?

    If so, you will need to do pretty much modification to your MachForm to work like pForm does.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. GilloD

    Is that a simple thing or a difficult thing? I'm guessing difficult :)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. Saghalie
    Pro Member

    More than likely, real difficult. BUT - you can use the pForm demo to create forms and then use the resulting code to integrate in to your MySQL or mSQL back-ends. Look at to see what I did.



    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. GilloD

    Sag- Thanks, that's what I've been doing. I was just hoping to be able to pay for it, I started to feel a little bad :)

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. fabiopao

    I was also hoping to get just the raw code, but from what i experienced you can only modify the css files, not the html, so it's quite difficult to integrate in the best way a form in an existing page. of course, there's no problem if you can put the form in its own page, but this isn't the scenario in many cases.

    Posted 15 years ago #

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