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Found (minor) bug(s) and other stuff in MachForm version 4.

  1. MvdL1979

    Not a big issue, but I noticed the following:

    With a multiple page form setup. It will say 'Continue' (which is shown as a button) and 'Previous' (which is not shown as a button, but as a hyperlink). So apparently the 'Back Button' (in Form Properties > Show more options) is not working as it should?

    Also there is a small typo, when the form is set to Dutch, in the 'progression bar'-text. It shows and I quote: Pagina 2 of 4. Though the word 'of' is Dutch it has a different meaning. The correct word which should be used here is: "van", so the full output would be: "Pagina 2 van 4".

    Not a big issue, but I noticed it so thought I would share it. :)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. williamansley

    @MvdL1979: The "back button" looking like a link and not a button is the intended behavior, as far as I know. I don't like it either; this should be customizable from within the GUI interface, at least.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. MvdL1979

    Hi William,

    Yeah after fooling around a bit more with MachForm v4 it looks like it should be like that. I will look into it more to change it though.

    Also found something else; if you enable the 'review' form option, the review page will be in English, even if you have selected the Dutch template / settings. Don't know if this is the same with other languages though.

    For example;

    - it says 'Page 3 of 4' instead of the Dutch version 'Pagina 3 van 4'
    - the word 'TOTAL' is set back to English (where the total price/amount is shown)

    Small bugs, but still. I can fix these my own I think. Just need to search for it. ;)


    Well I found out where to change TOTAL in the review form.

    Edit view-functions.php at line #6414

    $payment_total_markup = <<<EOT
    				<ul><li class="total_payment mf_review">

    You can remove/replace the text between <h5>......</h5>

    To change the 'Page x of x' to something in your own language, other than English on form review page edit language.php line #179

    $mf_lang['page_title']					= 'Page %s of %s';
    Posted 10 years ago #

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