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Feature Request: Managed Lists

  1. kastech

    You need a custom list manager, one that allows for the usage of a custom list for a dropdown (being able to use a list of names, for example, across more than one form at a time)... this is such a huge requirement based on the posts I've been seeing, do you have any plans to implement this any time soon?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. kastech

    To add to this, what I mean is a mysql driven one, that can live within the same database, so other apps can update the lists dynamically as well... This would be incredibly useful.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. williamansley

    It would be incredibly useful to our institution (a two-year college in the US) as well if the ability to get a drop down list from an SQL query was added to Machform, although what would be really useful would be the ability to both verify and look up an entry in a Machform form by using an SQL query on another database. One of the biggest problems we have with Machform right now is that students and faculty enter incorrect student IDs in Machform, which causes errors when we try to integrate the data collected by Machform with our student information system. If we could have Machform verify that an entered ID number was actually in our system or, better yet, have the form look up the ID number from the student name, using a table created from our student information system by a custom SQL query created by our programmers, it would save us a lot of trouble.

    I realize this is am ambitious request and I don't expect it to be added to Machform in the near future (or even at all), but I hope it will be considered.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. kastech

    You should be able to achieve verification with ajax, send the value to a remote checker that runs a query against the id.

    shouldn't have to modify any core files at all, though you will need a bunch of custom js

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. valteke

    Would be very useful for our organization as well. We have a Parish List that we use on almost all of our forms. Would be great to be able to have the one list and updated it in one location as needed for all forms.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. eaglenest

    I fully support this feature request. Minimally be able to reuse a central list, optimally be able to specify a sql query as the source of the field.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. kastech

    I decided to code the functionality myself, here's a screenshot

    added a list manager, new element type called sql dropdown, the element options allow the user to select a created list

    Only took a few hours, not sure why this hasn't been implemented by the devs... soooo useful.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. PeteSkewes

    This looks awesome - maybe in 4.6??

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. bjc


    is your code portable or is it tied to your solution/system? Just wondering if you might be considering making it available to the group or be interested in offering support in this area. I have a dropdown of 2200 items that would be much better solved by a lookup to a related table or database, or, at a minimum a route to regularly replace the contents of the dropdown with an updated list.


    Posted 9 years ago #

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