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MachForm Community Forums » MachForm 2

Feature request 2: Custom input groups

  1. axbom

    The current input groups are great. e.g. Name and Address and Price

    It would make sense to be able to add your own custom input groups that would be available in a dropdown menu in the interface. The input group for address is in some cases over the top when it comes to number of fields, and also does not work well internationally in all cases.

    Benefits: Killer functionality that would make it even faster to create complex, custom forms for a specific business area.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. SevenHunters

    Yes - agreed that would rule, I'm going to see if I can code something like that for our installation.

    Also on Address, when that block is required, Address line #2 is also required, but very few people actually have a second line to their address so usually it's left blank, but if anything is blank it throws an error.

    The other form maker that works like MachForm I priced was $1,700 so I'm not complaining...

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    The address line #2 shouldn't be required, even thought you have set the address field required.

    Can you let me know what is the exact version of your MachForm?
    Go to your changelog.txt file and check at the very bottom.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 15 years ago #

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