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Emails Not Being Sent

  1. benheitman

    I've installed everything and created my form...but no emails are being sent. I thought it was something with my web host (Wired Tree) but here is their response:


    I looked into the ap_settings table in the database, it looks like there are some options there (smtp_enable, for example) that may need to be updated. I'm not sure precisely in the software how you would do this, or what exactly the settings here mean.

    mysql> select smtp_enable, smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password, smtp_auth from ap_settings;
    | smtp_enable | smtp_host | smtp_port | smtp_username | smtp_password | smtp_auth |
    | 0 | localhost | 25 | | | 0 |

    I believe local connections should work without a user/password or authentication, but the smtp_enable bit looks like it might need to be turned to 1 to use mail?

    The only other indications of mail from this domain in the logs appear to be for Cron message notifications, and delivery failures to the account.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. frankzobitz

    Under Settings (top menu option), there is a place where you can configure your SMTP Server. Do you have anything set there?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. benheitman

    Nope! Thx for pointing me in the right direction.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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