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email uploaded files

  1. mvdvelden

    Is it possible to attach the uploaded files and send it by email? Now I can only download them from the database. A suggestion for the next version? When will it appear?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Actually you can download it right away from your email, without logging in to your admin panel.

    Simply edit your "download.php" file, search around line 13 for this:


    remove that line.
    However, this is not the same thing as attaching the file into the email itself.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. teacherdavids

    Hi Yuniar,

    Still happy with your amazing software. However, I am having a bit of a challenge. I have students upload their homework via my form. Once uploaded an email is sent to me automatically which contains a link to the file the student uploaded. I click on the upload link and it opens a webpage in my browser and then the download screen appears asking where I wish to save the file. After downloading 60 student's homework I have 60 blank webpages open :). Is there any way to stop the webpages from opening and just get the download screen that asks where to save the file?



    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. yuniar

    Hi David,

    Yes, that is possible.
    Simply follow the same modification as my post above :-)

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. teacherdavids


    I removed the above noted line from the file before making the above post and I still get a new webpage opening every time I click the link in the email to download the file. My browser opens and opens a new tab and then asks me where to save the file. I do not want my browser to open. I just want to click on the link in my email and then chose where to download the file to. Now, each time I click I get a new blank webpage opening. I do not want a webpage to open. I just want to click on the file link and download. No browser.



    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. yuniar

    Ah... I see. I understand what you mean now.
    I think what you are looking for is to have the file to be attached into the email directly.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible yet. Sorry.
    We're looking forward to provide an option to actually attach the file or just send the download link.

    If I may suggest, if you are downloading lot of files, I think it would be easier if you login directly to machform admin panel and view all the submission there, through the entry manager.

    You can easily browse through the entries and download the files, without the need to open new window for each file.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. teacherdavids

    Hi Yuniar,

    No, do not want to have the file emailed to me. I just want to click on the link in the notification email (From "Configure your email notification settings" area of my Machform that I configured) and NOT have a new browser tab/window open. After I click on the link all I want to see is a box pop up asking where I'd like to download the file to on my computer. I don't want to see a new browser tab/window open up. As it is now, if I click on the link in the notification email I get a new browser tab/window opening. If I click through 60 emails I get 60 new tabs/windows opening. I don't want any to open. I just want the file to ask where to be downloaded to on my computer. The file is NOT attached to the email. It is a LINK only in the email. Each time I click on the link I get new browser tab/window opening. I don't want the tab/window to open.



    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. yuniar

    Hi David,

    Actually, that's what I'm trying to say. To be able saving the file from your email (without opening a new browser window/tab) this would require the file to be attached directly into the email. :(

    Sorry for this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. DavidB

    When a receipt email goes out to the email inputted into the form the file can not be downloaded. In the email sent to the admin the file can be downloaded.

    Can you point me in the direction to make the file downloadable in the receipt email

    David Bailey

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. yuniar

    You can edit "includes/post-functions.php" file, search around line 1207 for this code:

    $user_email_param['as_plain_text'] = $esr_plain_text;
    $user_email_param['target_is_admin'] = false;

    change it to become:

    $user_email_param['as_plain_text'] = $esr_plain_text;
    $user_email_param['target_is_admin'] = true;

    Also, edit "download.php" file, search around line 13 for this code:


    remove that code from that file.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. DavidB

    Thanks Yuniar!!!
    That worked perfectly!!!
    Machform Support is AWESOME!!!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. teacherdavids


    Recently upgraded to version 4.2 and the problem has come back. When I click on the link in my notification email from MachForm a new browser window is opened in my browser. I do not want the browser involved at all in the download process. I have followed the file instructions above and has not worked. However, there is no "require('includes/check-session.php');" line in the "download.php" file Could this be located in another file? Thanks.

    BTW, the above solution that you gave David B above also worked for me in version 2.1.


    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. AMurray
    Pro Member

    The above instructions are three years old, so probably not suprising they don't work. I too can't find that require('includes/check-session.php'); line in download.php

    If you have been only using V2.1 until recently then you may have not realised that MF is now capable of sending the uploaded file as an attachment on the notification email (that has been the case since early 3.x versions).

    Set the file attachment option under the File Upload field properties in the form editor. Hover over the question mark "help" icon to see an explanation for that option and how it works.

    The notification email you receive, will have the file uploaded by the form's user as a file attachment, like any other email so no need to click the link in the body of the email as previously was the case (although that is the default behaviour).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. teacherdavids


    Thanks AMurray. If I had taken more time to do research I would have seen this. However, sometimes this forum can be a crutch. :)

    As for the newer Version 4, yes, has lots of improvements and is definitely much easier than spending time customizing a Joomla extension. Been using MachForm for my students for about four years now and besides saving lots of trees because of electronic submissions, does a great job of streamlining my work as a teacher.


    Posted 10 years ago #

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