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Edit contract form with Section Break

  1. danilosiqueira

    I'm doing a contract form and would like to use Section Break with all the terms. After the client fill the form and send to me I would like to have the option to edit some terms from the Section Break in case the client ask to change or not agree with some term. When I tried to edit the Section Break on Edit Entries it is not available. Is there any way to do this? Or somebody do have any tip to do this in another way?

    Thank you in advance!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. frankzobitz

    If I understand what you need - you have some standard text but you want to allow each person who completes the form to customize the standard text, and you want the ability for the customer to change the text.

    If that is the case, you can use a Section break, then I would add a Yes/No question "Do you agree with these terms?" If the customer says No, then have logic that shows the same terms in a Paragraph text box (using the section break text as the default text) which would allow the user to edit the text and you would be able to then receive their edit on the Entries screen.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. danilosiqueira

    It's a good idea, but I don't know if I want to give this option for the client to change the contract without my authorization . I need to think in another solution.

    But thank you for your help.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. williamansley

    @danilosiqueira: Based on your response to frankzobitz, what you seem to want to do is be able to modify your contracts on a client-by-client basis, but only allow someone with access to edit the form entries to do so, not the clients themselves. As far as I can see, the only way to do this is to add a "Paragraph Text" field to your form and make it "Admin Only" (choose "Admin Only" under "Field Visibility" in the "Form Properties" tab). This field will not display in the form, but it can be seen and edited by anyone who has access to edit form entries, and can be included in the PDF file that can be generated from the Form Entries screen. There is no way to put a default value into an "Admin Only" field, but you could copy and paste the text from the section break and then edit it as needed. If you add language to your form to the effect that if there is anything in the paragraph field (call it "Revised Contract Terms", for example) then it overrides the content in the section break field (call it "Original Contract Terms", to continue the example), then I think it would work.

    This is not an elegant solution, but it may suit your needs.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. danilosiqueira

    Thank you @williamansley !
    I will try this option and see if it works for me.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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