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change SUBMIT button value

  1. drowan

    Is there a way to change SUBMIT button value text to eg. SEND MESSAGE ??

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. philwareham

    Yeah, it's in the includes folder file named "language.php", line 56 (in MachForm v2).

    $lang['submit_button'] = 'Submit';

    Change 'Submit' to whatever you want.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. drowan

    Thanks Phil,
    that works, but it applies to all forms, I was hoping it could be form specific.
    Maybe it should go on the wishlist

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. yuniar

    I've noted this into our feature request list.

    If you don't mind some hack, it's pretty easy to have different submit button for each form.

    Let say your form is having id = 23
    Edit you language.php, search for the submit button part, modify it to be like this:

    $lang['submit_button']	= 'Submit';
    if($_REQUEST['id'] == 23){
    	$lang['submit_button'] = 'Send Message';

    Adjust the id above with your own form id.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #

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