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Captcha not displaying sometimes

  1. JerryH

    I have enabled different captchas on two different forms on the same server but they don't show up on the forms.
    I have disabled them and then reenable or changed to a different type of captcha and on almost every save, I get different results.
    Sometimes they show up correctly and work, sometimes they don't show up at all.

    Right now I have both set to medium and neither are displaying.
    They were working prior to my last save (changed the outgoing email address).


    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Keegan

    You need to close Internet Explorer and reopen in order for the Captcha to properly refresh...otherwise it'll stop showing after the initial filling out of the form. Hope that helps.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    That is on purpose indeed, as pointed by Keegan above. Once a person has successfully submitted a CAPTCHA, we can be certain that he/she is a real human, hence MachForm won't display any CAPTCHA for any subsequent submissions.

    This is valid during that particular session only, for that particular user. If the person closed the browser or the session expired, the captcha will be displayed again for that person.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #

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