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[closed] Adress Fields and sugestions

  1. antoniosemedo


    First of all my congratulations for this wonderful script!

    I'm Portuguese and it was a good thing having the chance to change the adress labels to Portuguese in the edit field box. Is there any chance to do this?

    As a sugestion i think you could think adding some new features in future versions:

    1) Internationalization;
    2) Personalised email confirmation to the sender of the form;
    3) Option to add text comments (longer then section breaks and whith html formating) to the form ;
    4) Option to delete the "Powered by MachForm" in the form and email, defining that in config.php for instance...
    5) Option to upload an image (Ex: A pricing table or an image logo)
    6) Option to personalise the admin panel with the client Name, colours and Logo;

    Thanks for this Good work!

    Antonio Semedo

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Hello Antonio,

    Thanks! It's always great to hear such thing.

    To change the address labels, you will need to modify includes/view-functions.php file.

    There is a function named display_address which need to be modified a little. Search around line 1283-1319. The labels are placed between those lines.

    $element_markup = <<<EOT
    ............. labels here ...........

    Now, regarding your suggestion, those are great thorough ideas!
    Thanks, I'll definitely consider those ideas for the next versions.

    One thing tho, at this moment you could use section break to put html code.
    Use the 'Guidelines' textbox to put your html code. Although I realized that the text is limited to 255 characters. Sorry for this, I'll definitely fix this for the next version.

    That way, you could also put an image to your form, simply put the image tag there.

    Hope that helps.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #

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