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Adjustments to machform for PowWeb hosting.

  1. Narthex


    Hi. I have purchased Machform before, but was unable to use as I had expected. However, now I am redesigning a site for an organization that machform will work perfectly for - Ineo Bible Church (, so I have re-purchased this great software. They are hosted on Last time I had to get you to go in a fix something. Machform installed fine. I was able to get to the longin page, but once I attempted to login, it seems to approve the login but it does not progress to the form builder section. I believe it is a sessions problem. If you remember what you did last time, I would love for you to teach me.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for purchasing MachForm. I've reactivated your previous account, make sure to download the latest version (or just download from the latest link sent to you by share-it).

    Yes, there were some session issue need to be adjusted for site hosted on
    Basically powweb set the session folder path to /var/php_sessions which is somehow not writable, so any PHP scripts which use session won't work.

    To solve this, you will need to create a new folder under your document root and set the permission into writable. Then you can do one of the following:

    1) Edit your php.ini file, set the session.save_path to point to your new session folder

    2) Edit MachForm's config.php file, add this code:


    the path above is just a sample.

    That should fix the session problem.

    I found the above solutions from Powweb forum, here is the link:

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Narthex

    I followed your intructions to adjust the phh.ini file. I was a little scared to get in and mess with your coding. I have a grasp of php, but I am definitely no expert. I adjusted the session.save_path = /home/... to a writable folder in my cgi-bin. I was then able to log in perfectly fine. It said, "You have no form yet. Go create one!"

    Thanks again.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. yuniar


    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. mikmars79

    I also have the same issue... and I thought it was like some licensing problem since I installed and then stopped working for some reason then i took it out and i put it into a new server, but anyway at the end I bought 3 licenses, I exactly have the same issue, how can i fix it?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. yuniar

    Hello Mik,

    Are you using Powweb Hosting too?
    If so, try to do the steps I posted above.

    If you don't feel comfortable doing it, please send me your FTP login info.
    I'll help you fixing it.

    Mail the info to: customer.service [at]

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. hrwill

    I have the same problem. After three weeks my reg'ed Machform will not let me log on. My host is Ipower. If it is a host problem why would the problem start only after three weeks of working great?
    Can you please logon to my host and fix my problem?


    Posted 15 years ago #
  8. redityo

    Hi hrwill,

    Could you send your ipower information to this mail :

    customer.service [at]

    I'll help you to fix it

    MachForm Support

    Posted 15 years ago #
  9. hrwill

    I sent the info per your request.

    Thank you for your speedy reply

    Posted 15 years ago #
  10. jlathrop

    I use mediatemple - here is the link to make your "dv" work with machform sessions

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. 35124

    If you have plesk, login, click your domain, go to "Web hosting settings" under "PHP support" make sure that php is running under the "Apache Module". I had to do this with my VPS godaddy account. I am now able to login.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. brucelowder

    I am a new to web site building. I have uploaded the form to my site but no that it is up how do I access it for changes. Where woudl i log in to do so?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  13. yuniar

    Depends on where you installed MachForm, you should be able to access it using URL similar as this:

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. alibi

    OK. I am having the same issue. uploaded and edited the config file, the very first login with the default "machform" password, does not work.
    I did make it in the past, I don't know how, but it was also rusty.
    My server is hosted on iPage. How can I sort this thing?


    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. yuniar

    alibi -- I believe I've replied to your support ticket. If you need any further help, please let me know.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #

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