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Add payment method through php
Started 10 years ago by redemptor | 2 posts |
Hi guys,
I'm portuguese and here in Portugal we have a payment method that is a generated reference to intantly pay anything without need of upload any receipt.
There are a company that offers this service and gives me the PHP code needed to send the automatic reference.
What I'm looking for is the files where I should include that PHP and where to add the info in the confirmation e-mail. I must identify the entry ID and the ammount to pay and define them as the variables.
The code has two functions:function format_number($number) { $verifySepDecimal = number_format(99,2); $valorTmp = $number; $sepDecimal = substr($verifySepDecimal, 2, 1); $hasSepDecimal = True; $i=(strlen($valorTmp)-1); for($i;$i!=0;$i-=1) { if(substr($valorTmp,$i,1)=="." || substr($valorTmp,$i,1)==","){ $hasSepDecimal = True; $valorTmp = trim(substr($valorTmp,0,$i))."@".trim(substr($valorTmp,1+$i)); break; } } if($hasSepDecimal!=True){ $valorTmp=number_format($valorTmp,2); $i=(strlen($valorTmp)-1); for($i;$i!=1;$i--) { if(substr($valorTmp,$i,1)=="." || substr($valorTmp,$i,1)==","){ $hasSepDecimal = True; $valorTmp = trim(substr($valorTmp,0,$i))."@".trim(substr($valorTmp,1+$i)); break; } } } for($i=1;$i!=(strlen($valorTmp)-1);$i++) { if(substr($valorTmp,$i,1)=="." || substr($valorTmp,$i,1)=="," || substr($valorTmp,$i,1)==" "){ $valorTmp = trim(substr($valorTmp,0,$i)).trim(substr($valorTmp,1+$i)); break; } } if (strlen(strstr($valorTmp,'@'))>0){ $valorTmp = trim(substr($valorTmp,0,strpos($valorTmp,'@'))).trim($sepDecimal).trim(substr($valorTmp,strpos($valorTmp,'@')+1)); } return $valorTmp; }
function GenerateMbRef($ent_id, $subent_id, $order_id, $order_value) { $chk_val = 0; $order_id ="0000".$order_id; if(strlen($ent_id)<5) { echo "Lamentamos mas tem de indicar uma entidade válida"; return; }else if(strlen($ent_id)>5){ echo "Lamentamos mas tem de indicar uma entidade válida"; return; }if(strlen($subent_id)==0){ echo "Lamentamos mas tem de indicar uma subentidade válida"; return; } $order_value= sprintf("%01.2f", $order_value); $order_value = format_number($order_value); if ($order_value < 1){ echo "Lamentamos mas é impossível gerar uma referência MB para valores inferiores a 1 Euro"; return; } if ($order_value >= 1000000){ echo "<b>AVISO:</b> Pagamento fraccionado por exceder o valor limite para pagamentos no sistema Multibanco<br>"; } if(strlen($subent_id)==1){ //Apenas sao considerados os 6 caracteres mais a direita do order_id $order_id = substr($order_id, (strlen($order_id) - 6), strlen($order_id)); $chk_str = sprintf('%05u%01u%06u%08u', $ent_id, $subent_id, $order_id, round($order_value*100)); }else if(strlen($subent_id)==2){ //Apenas sao considerados os 5 caracteres mais a direita do order_id $order_id = substr($order_id, (strlen($order_id) - 5), strlen($order_id)); $chk_str = sprintf('%05u%02u%05u%08u', $ent_id, $subent_id, $order_id, round($order_value*100)); }else { //Apenas sao considerados os 4 caracteres mais a direita do order_id $order_id = substr($order_id, (strlen($order_id) - 4), strlen($order_id)); $chk_str = sprintf('%05u%03u%04u%08u', $ent_id, $subent_id, $order_id, round($order_value*100)); } //cálculo dos check digits $chk_array = array(3, 30, 9, 90, 27, 76, 81, 34, 49, 5, 50, 15, 53, 45, 62, 38, 89, 17, 73, 51); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $chk_int = substr($chk_str, 19-$i, 1); $chk_val += ($chk_int%10)*$chk_array[$i]; } $chk_val %= 97; $chk_digits = sprintf('%02u', 98-$chk_val); echo "<pre>"; echo "\n\n<b>Entidade: </b>".$ent_id; echo "\n\n<b>Referência: </b>".substr($chk_str, 5, 3)." ".substr($chk_str, 8, 3)." ".substr($chk_str, 11, 1).$chk_digits; echo "\n\n<b>Valor: € </b>".number_format($order_value, 2,',', ' '); echo "</pre>"; }
$ent_id and $subent_id are given to me by the company. $order_id and $order_value should be entry_id and ammount. and this last echo's should be sent in the confirmation e-mail.
I'm trully lost in this. sorry any english mistake.
best regards.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Hi redemptor,
Have you got some reply about this? We would like to do that :) Could you help us?
Posted 10 years ago #
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