
MachForm 7 Released!

Howdy folks! 🙂

It’s 2018 already and I’m happy to let you know that MachForm version 7 is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.

What’s new in MachForm 7


Yes, finally! You can now add images or videos (Youtube or MP4) to your form without any single coding! Just go to your form builder and click the new Media field button.

Media Field


a) MEDIA FIELD – image

To add images to your form, click the media field button, choose Image and then upload your image. That easy!

Media Field - Image



Enter Youtube URL or direct MP4 URL and the video will be embedded to your form.

Media Field - Video


  • Feature: Media Fields (Add Image/Video)
  • Feature: Support for “Approval Status” condition for webhook logic.
  • Feature: Added “Form is submitted” condition for email and webhook logic.
  • Improvement: Support negative pricing for PayPal Standard
  • Improvement: When ‘UK’ is selected as default country on address field, the state & zip label are adjusted to county & postcode
  • Improvement: Added ‘Send Customer Email to’ to support email field requirement when using European payment processor
  • Improvement: Added INR currency to payment settings page for check/cash option
  • Improvement: Resume link is now clickable
  • Improvement: Default CHMOD changed to 755 for increased security
  • Improvement: Added new custom CSS class ‘hide_cents’ to hide cents from Price field
  • Update: Removed support for reCAPTCHA v1 (Deprecated by Google)
  • Bugfix: Changing the file type limit to ‘allow’ and then turn off the file type limitation setting will block any upload
  • Bugfix: Matrix fields hidden due to logic shouldn’t be displayed within email
  • Bugfix: Price field incorrectly populate ‘0’ as default value
  • Bugfix: Removed entry number from the generated PDF on email
  • Bugfix: Distorted form logo on mobile devices
  • Bugfix: Duplicate emails being sent when skip-page logic to success page being used and delay notification until paid is set to off
  • Bugfix: The ‘save and resume’ button is not being checked against accidental double submissions. Same bug as on 4.7 resurfaced, since v5.0
  • Bugfix: Default values on the last page of the form won’t be displayed after the first form submission
  • Bugfix: In some cases, editing entry on a form with payment enabled will generate error ‘Subquery returns more than 1 row’

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 6.1 Released

We’re releasing v6.1 today, which is a maintenance release that contain several bugfixes and some minor improvements.


  • Improvement: Removing choice from Multiple Choice, Checkboxes and Dropdown won’t remove the associated data any longer. You now have the option to hide or permanently delete the choice.
  • Improvement: Updated front-end forms jQuery library to v3.2.1
  • Bugfix: Pagination header getting cutoff when the form title is set to hidden
  • Bugfix: Importing form from previous version of MachForm (< v6) doesn't work
  • Bugfix: Unable to export filtered entries having quote within the keyword filter
  • Bugfix: Download links (image file) showing with double slash when machform installed on root domain
  • Bugfix: PayPal payments with tax configured from PayPal account directly won’t marked as ‘paid’
  • Bugfix: Turning off the choice ‘other’ option doesn’t remove the preview on the form builder page
  • Bugfix: Minor preview issues on the form builder page
  • Bugfix: Delay notifications until paid option doesn’t work for webhook logic
  • Bugfix: Page logics having rules more than 10 is not being evaluated using correct order

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 6 Released

Howdy folks! 🙂

I’m happy to let you know that MachForm version 6 is now available for downloads on Billing Area. (Yes, it’s version 6, check our previous post to see our explanation regarding version numbering changes).

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 6


Collect data securely and save it using strong data encryption functionality. Read more.

Encrypted Fields


EMail Confirmation Field

Prompt users to enter the correct email address twice. Reduce typo.



Improved Date Field

Individually block any days of weeks, not just weekends! and updated look as well 🙂




Pure javascript code to embed forms, no requirement of jQuery library. Load faster and avoid conflicts.




  • Feature: Encrypted Fields
  • Feature: Email Confirmation Field
  • Feature: Improved Date Field (Disable Days of Week)
  • Feature: Faster Embed Code (no jQuery library required)
  • Feature: Sales Tax on Check/Cash Payment
  • Feature: New merge tags for Approval Workflow (display Approval Note on emails)
  • Improvement: Added entry number to the generated PDF
  • Improvement: Added ‘approval status’ field into report widget datasource filter and entries manager
  • Improvement: Updated DOMPDF library to 0.8.0 for improved result and compatibility with PHP 7.1
  • Improvement: Updating a form won’t reset the dashboard filter
  • Improvement: Calendar automatically popup on focus and cleaner styling
  • Improvement: Support for Turkish language
  • Improvement: Added license upgrade purchasing option directly on settings page
  • Bugfix: Upgrade script generate errors on MySQL 5.7 due to sql_mode
  • Bugfix: Signed date on approval should use the same timezone as the webserver, not the mysql server database
  • Bugfix: Error “table ap_form_xxx_review doesn’t exist” on a form that previously had page logic enabled and then all pages being removed
  • Bugfix: Embedded forms within the same domain refreshed twice on Chrome during initial load
  • Bugfix: Using skip-page logic to go to the PayPal payment page from the first page generates ‘ID required’ error message
  • Bugfix: Clicking the “cancel and return” link on PayPal payment page lead to non-existent page
  • Bugfix: When approvers has logic rules, the approval progress is not being displayed correctly
  • Bugfix: Deleting all conditions on an approver caused issue with the approval process
  • Bugfix: Download links showing with double slash when machform installed on root domain

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 5 Released

Howdy folks! 🙂

It’s been a while since we released our last MachForm update (really sorry for the delay! — we’ll change this, explanation below) and I’m happy to let you know that MachForm version 5 is now finally available for downloads on Billing Area

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 5

Approval Workflow

Create a powerful form with advanced approval functionality. Read more.

Approval Workflow


Section 508 Compliance

WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance on all forms. Section 508 & ADA Compliance. Section 508 Compliant Forms means your forms can be read and completed by users with disabilities.

Section 508 Compliance


Form Filters

Easily group your forms into categories. Read more.

Form Filters


Form Info Panel

Get detailed insight into your form. Check statistic and user access.

Form Info



  • Feature: Approval Workflow
  • Feature: Section 508 Compliance. WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance. ADA Compliance.
  • Feature: Form Filters
  • Feature: Form Info Panel
  • Feature: New Excel Library and Improved Compatibility
  • Feature: The “other” field on checkboxes now can be used to specify custom price by the end-user
  • Feature: Updated Chart/Grid Widgets with more Themes and full Section 508 Compliance
  • Feature: Added option to specify Merchant ID on Braintree
  • Bugfix: Non admin users don’t get ‘Edit Report’ access for any new forms
  • Bugfix: Checking ‘remember me’ when using LDAP generate error on login
  • Bugfix: Exporting entries on form having no title will result to un-named file
  • Bugfix: Duplicating a field generate warning messages on browser console
  • Bugfix: Duplicating choice field having ‘other’ and then changing the type to dropdown is causing issue with report widget
  • Bugfix: Deleting a live multiple choice option and saving the form is causing error
  • Bugfix: Google Fonts preview on theme editor is not being loaded on HTTPS page
  • Bugfix: Resuming the form immediately after saving, using the same session, is impossible. People are getting an infinite loop to the first page.
  • Bugfix: Enable-test-mode checkbox on payment page for PayPal is not aligned correctly on chrome
  • Bugfix: Checking for double submissions shouldn’t be done on edit entry page
  • Bugfix: PDF file shouldn’t include admin-only fields when being sent to the end-user of the form
  • Bugfix: TLS/SSL should be separated on reset password script
  • Bugfix: Uploaded files having quotes is generating error message when the “send file as attachment” turned on
  • Bugfix: Enforce TLS 1.2 on PayPal IPN Listener
  • Bugfix: Total payment amount shouldn’t be displayed on password page
  • Bugfix: The password field on password-protected form is not mobile friendly
  • Bugfix: Reset entry number should delete records on ap_form_payments as well
  • Bugfix: Email containing ‘+’ character is incorrectly considered invalid
  • Bugfix: Using Chrome on embedded form having custom redirect URL, clicking the back button after submission display success message instead of the form
  • Bugfix: Hidden/admin fields aren’t being populated for merge tags on receipt email
  • Bugfix: When LDAP is not being used exclusively, it’s not possible to add users from MachForm panel
  • Bugfix: Entries page doesn’t display the payment amount correctly in some case when there were deleted entries previously
  • Bugfix: Removed uploadify (Flash based) library. File upload now using HTML5 completely.
  • Bugfix: Importing a form shouldn’t import the theme as well

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 5

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 5

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

Version Numbers Change

As of today (July 7th, 2017) we’ll be changing our version numbering to allow us release updates more often.

Previously, when we change the major version number (e.g from v3.x to v4.x) this means many of new features and updates. While the minor version number (e.g. from v4.7 to v4.8) indicate small changes or single new feature. The main drawback with this approach is when we need to release new major version, it will require significant amount of time (more than several months or even years), which we hate.

Now, we’re planning to release new updates more often (our goal is to have new update every 1-3 months). So, any new update that contain one or more features, it will change the major version number up (e.g v6, v7, v8). While any new update that contain only bugfixes, it will change the minor version number up (e.g v5.2, v5.3).

Confusing? Well, just ignore the above technical stuff. The most important point is you’ll get more updates every year! 🙂

MachForm Cloud and Terms / Policy Updates

During the last week (effective as of April 21st, 2016), Appnitro Software has undergone some major changes and this post is a recap of those changes.


1) MachForm Cloud

In addition to the existing self-hosted MachForm, we released MachForm Cloud service, which is the same as self-hosted MachForm (feature-wise) but hosted on our cloud servers.

You can check the pricing plan of MachForm Cloud here.


FAQ regarding MachForm Cloud:


a) I’m using self-hosted MachForm already. Does this mean I’m being forced to use MachForm Cloud?

Of course not! MachForm Cloud is an additional service we provide in addition to the self-hosted MachForm.


b) Does this mean my self-hosted MachForm will stop working?

No. Your self-hosted MachForm will still work just fine.


c) Why are you releasing MachForm Cloud?

Our goal is to provide wider deployment options to all our customers.

Self-hosted MachForm is suitable for those who have full control over their website server while the cloud is appropriate for those having sites that don’t support the installation of PHP applications.


d) Do you plan to stop self-hosted MachForm development?

Absolutely not! MachForm Self-Hosted and MachForm Cloud are technically using the same codebase. We’ll keep releasing new updates for both MachForm Self-Hosted and MachForm Cloud.


2) New Domain and Website Redesign

MachForm site is now moving to and we’re redirecting most of the links from our previous site to the new domain.


3) Support Policy

There is no actual change to the support policy itself. Our support policy remains the same. Each license comes with 1-year technical support.


However, we’re now enforcing this 1-year support period. Previously we always provide support to all users, regardless of this 1-year period. We provided free support without limiting the support period on a voluntary basis.

Unfortunately, due to limited resources and users growth, we won’t be able to provide free support after the 1-year support period any longer.


To keep receiving technical support after 1-year period, all users will need to renew their support contract.


4) Version Updates

We have major change with our version update policy.

Our old policy: Minor version updates are free, while major version upgrades would cost some upgrade fee.

Our new policy: Minor and Major version updates are free, as long as you have an active support contract.


This new policy is effective as of April 21st, 2016 and applicable to those who purchased MachForm after that date.


For users who purchased MachForm before April 21st, 2016, we still honored our previous policy.

If you still have active support contract, you can download the latest version on Billing Area (previously called Member Area).

If your support contract has been expired, you won’t be able to download it from Billing Area, but you can get the latest version update (v4.8) by requesting a download link to this email: download_request [at]


Simply send a request to the above email address and include your License Key. We’ll send you the download link to v4.8.

We don’t plan to release v4.9 (unless there’s a security update), and our next release will be v5.0

MachForm 4.8 Released

We’re releasing v4.8 today, which is a maintenance release that contains several bugfixes and minor improvements.

You can download it by logging in to Billing Area.


  • Improvement: Added option to change system timezone
  • Improvement: Better password reset mechanism using reset link
  • Improvement: Added warning message when deleting choice option, to prevent accidental deletion
  • Bugfix: Transparent field highlight color on dark pages still generate a flash of highlight
  • Bugfix: {resume_url} is not available when re-sending incomplete entries
  • Bugfix: Saving a form with resume functionality turned on and having file upload will display an error ‘stat failed’ message
  • Bugfix: Can’t display/download uploaded files on incomplete entries
  • Bugfix: Name field and some other complex fields not being highlighted using red font color when error happened
  • Bugfix: Custom logo on admin panel is incorrectly set to a fixed width
  • Bugfix: Resuming a form using the same browser window won’t work correctly and loop into ‘your progress has been saved’ message
  • Bugfix: When logic success being enabled, form is not being sent to PayPal
  • Bugfix: Changed the password field on the form properties tab to use plain text to avoid browser auto-filling

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 4.8

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 4.8

MachForm 4.7 Released

MachForm version 4.7 is now available for downloads on Billing Area!

This update added several new features, improvements and bugfixes. We recommend you to update due to improved functionalities within this release.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 4.7


PHP 7 Ready

Compatible code with the new and faster PHP 7 engine

Random Default Value

Generate random default-value for Single Line Text field

Stripe Receipt Templates

Use payment receipt templates from Stripe directly

Edit Report Permission

New ‘Edit Report’ permission setting for user


  • Feature: Compatibility with PHP7
  • Feature: Generate random default value for Single Line Text field
  • Feature: Set default value for Time field
  • Feature: Use payment receipt templates from Stripe directly
  • Feature: New ‘Edit Report’ permission setting for user
  • Improvement: Minor UI adjustments
  • Improvement: When being embedded using javascript, automatically scroll into top of the form upon submission
  • Improvement: Save and resume email field is now required by default
  • Bugfix: Using payment status as filter on widgets caused query error
  • Bugfix: Prev/Next navigation on entry page doesn’t display the Entry Info correctly
  • Bugfix: Remove any HTML tags from payment settings page, particularly choice fields
  • Bugfix: Query failure (missing condition_element_id) when field logic enabled on MySQL 5.7
  • Bugfix: jQuery library not being loaded on resume page success
  • Bugfix: Payment amount not being updated on edit entry page when the items are being updated
  • Bugfix: Incorrect merge tags for checkboxes field on logic settings page
  • Bugfix: Merge tag for hidden fields aren’t being populated when sending form data to another website
  • Bugfix: Null/empty values might cause some logic being evaluated incorrectly
  • Bugfix: Discount amount missing decimals on round values
  • Bugfix: The ‘save and resume’ button is not being checked against accidental double submissions
  • Bugfix: Signature field is not rendered correctly when form is having left-aligned/right-aligned labels
  • Bugfix: Billing and shipping address aren’t included within export results
  • Bugfix: ‘select files’ button for uploading file is now translatable
  • Bugfix: ‘Enable choice limit’ should display warning when no more option available
  • Bugfix: Conditional logic doesn’t work when keywords contain HTML tags

PHP Version Requirement

As of v4.3, MachForm requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 5.3.0. If you’re still using older version (PHP 5.2), you need to upgrade your PHP version first.

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 4.7

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 4.7

MachForm 4.6 Released

MachForm version 4.6 is now available for downloads on Billing Area!

This update added several new features, improvements and bugfixes. We recommend you to update due to improved functionalities within this release.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 4.6


Logic for Success Page

Display different success message
or URL based on user response.

BCC for Email

Add Bcc address(es) to all
notification emails.


Advanced Data Export

Select specific fields for export
and use advanced data filters.

Customizable Resume-Email

Use your own custom template
for each form resume-email content.


  • Feature: Conditional Logic for Success Page
  • Feature: Recurring Payments for PayPal Pro (REST API)
  • Feature: Charge One-Time Setup Fee for Recurring Payments on Stripe and PayPal Pro
  • Feature: BCC Option for Email Notifications
  • Feature: Customizable Resume-Email
  • Feature: Select Fields for Export
  • Improvement: Easily duplicate widget
  • Improvement: Built-in server-side code to prevent accidental multiple submission
  • Improvement: Easily check for new version updates
  • Bugfix: Old javascript embed code no longer working after upgrading to v4.5
  • Bugfix: The default notification email layout is screwed when opened using Outlook
  • Bugfix: City is not passed into Braintree
  • Bugfix: PDF can’t render paragraph completely on page break, some lines are missing
  • Bugfix: Logic emails/webhook aren’t being sent (or always being sent) when payment enabled
  • Bugfix: Auto-hide default value doesn’t work when the default value is 0
  • Bugfix: Merge tag for the first row of matrix field always returned empty
  • Bugfix: Google noCAPTCHA is not responsive
  • Bugfix: PHP form file when being used on different folder generates error message
  • Bugfix: Duplicating a form that contain logic will generate error / duplicate records
  • Bugfix: PHP form file when being used on different folder doesn’t generate signature image correctly within email
  • Bugfix: Safari incorrectly added “.xls” extension to the exported CSV / TXT file

PHP Version Requirement

As of v4.3, MachForm requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 5.3.0. If you’re still using older version (PHP 5.2), you need to upgrade your PHP version first.

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 4.6

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 4.6

MachForm 4.5 Released

During the last week or so, the latest update of WordPress (v4.2.3) apparently having some conflict with MachForm embed code (Javascript code). This resulted to forms not being displayed on WordPress pages.

Due to the large amount of MachForm users are using WordPress as well, today we’re releasing v4.5 specifically to address this issue. MachForm v4.5 will generate new form code and compatible with the latest WordPress update.

If you’re using WordPress and your forms are no longer displaying, you’ll need to update to this version. Once you’ve updated your MachForm, make sure to copy the new form code and replace the old form code on your wordpress pages.


  • Bugfix: WordPress 4.2.3 causing error with the javascript embed code
  • Improvement: Added option to easily reset entry number to #1
  • Improvement: Added Brazilian Reais currency for Price field
  • Bugfix: Allow zero and negative value for relative date range on Date field
  • Bugfix: Email attachment lacks .pdf extension
  • Bugfix: PDF can’t render UTF-8 characters
  • Bugfix: PDF can’t render paragraph larger than one page completely
  • Bugfix: Field labels and ‘required’ star aren’t being updated instantly when editing the form
  • Bugfix: Excess decimals on calculating discount amount when using Stripe is causing payment error
  • Bugfix: Can’t submit into webhook URL containing query string
  • Bugfix: On PHP 5.4, empty space is considered as input, which is incorrect
  • Bugfix: Date field using non-English language is having issue when min/max date range being set
  • Bugfix: Improved code to prevent race conditions on form submission limit
  • Bugfix: Matrix field is more responsive on mobile devices now
  • Bugfix: Strip slashes bug on filter function when running PHP 5.3 with Magic Quotes GPC
  • Bugfix: Entry containing file upload field and marked as incomplete will not resume properly, missing the attached files

PHP Version Requirement

As of v4.3, MachForm requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 5.3.0. If you’re still using older version (PHP 5.2), you need to upgrade your PHP version first.

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 4.5

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 4.5

MachForm 4.4 Released

MachForm version 4.4 is now available for downloads on Billing Area!.

This update added several new features, improvements and bugfixes. We recommend you to update due to improved functionalities within this release.

Here’s what’s new in MachForm 4.4


PDF Email

Send form data as PDF file
within notification email.

PDF Export

Export / save single entry
data to PDF file.


Edit Submitted Entry

Allow users to edit
previously submitted entries.

Read Only & Hidden Field

Easily set form field
as read-only and/or hidden.


Auto-Hide Default Value

Support for field placeholder,
automatically hide as the user types in.

Choice Limit

Set maximum limit for each
Multiple Choice / Dropdown option.

New Features

  • Send Form Data as PDF file within Email
  • Export / Save Single Entry to PDF
  • Option to let admin mark any entry as incomplete, thus allowing form users to edit their submitted data
  • Uploaded images are being displayed inline within the email content or PDF, not just download links
  • Easily hide form title and description from public view
  • Ability to limit the number of selected checkboxes
  • Ability to add custom note and select email template to be used when emailing entry from Entry Manager
  • Ability to use relative dates to restrict min/max dates on Date field
  • Auto-Hide Default Value (option to use placeholder)
  • Ability to set maximum entry limit for each Dropdown/Multiple Choice option.
  • Added “Read Only” setting for some fields
  • Added “Hidden” setting for all fields


  • Improved form accessibility. No more errors when validated using the WAVE Accesibility Tool.
  • Matrix title is now being displayed within the email, entry detail page and excel/csv files
  • Automatically tab into the next field on phone fields
  • Added more options within the config.php file for LDAP settings
  • Relative dates is now supported on all date fields when creating filters (entries, grid, chart)
  • More flexible LDAP (AD) integration. Allows selection of UPN or samaccountname for login.
  • Allow default value for price field
  • Added option to set default sorting order on Grid widget
  • More options to limit entries per ip address (allow custom period and max limit)
  • Added option to turn on/off ‘delay notification until paid’ for each email/webhook logic rule
  • New template variable {http_referer}, {request_uri}, available for the default value of Single Line Text and Paragraph field


  • Bugfix: When using OpenLDAP and the user naming attribute is not “uid”, the local user is created with a blank email address “”
  • Bugfix: Payments are marked unpaid, even though users has paid. This is due to PayPal updated their SSL certificate and the IPN is failing
  • Bugfix: MachForm local users unable to login when LDAP enabled and account suffix is not empty
  • Bugfix: On edit user page (when LDAP enabled), the name and email shouldn’t be validated
  • Bugfix: Section break is not being displayed within email when field logic is applied
  • Bugfix: Form is not loading properly when embedded within a page that uses jQuery 2+
  • Bugfix: Line breaks aren’t being displayed correctly on field guidelines
  • Bugfix: Language is not being set correctly on review page
  • Bugfix: Unable to turn off 2-step verification when LDAP turned on

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Members Area.

If you are currently using v4.x or v3.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 3.x/4.x to 4.4

If you are still using v2.x, follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm 2.x to 4.4

Enjoy!! 🙂

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