MachForm 17 Released. New Rating Field!

Howdy folks! 🙂

We’ve been working hard since our last update and I’m happy to let you know that we’ve added several exciting new features into MachForm!

New Rating Field!

Most of you most likely have been using the Multiple Choice field to collect feedback from users, which works great but is quite basic. You can now do the same thing with a more visually appealing field, the Rating field!

New Rating Field

The rating field is highly customizable. You can collect 1-10 ratings using several types of icons (star, heart, thumb, etc). You can add rating labels underneath the rating icons.

Rating Field Options

You can also use the rating field when building logic on your form.

Rating Scorecard Widget

Once you’ve collected those feedback from your users using the Rating field, you can now easily display the result using the new Rating Scorecard widget under the Report section of your form.

Rating Scorecard

You can choose to show/hide the rating bars, total entries, title and even filter the entries being used to generate the rating scorecard.

Keyword Blocking

In addition to the spam protection option (CAPTCHA), you can now enable Keyword Blocking on your form to further protect your form from spam submission.

Specify keywords that you believe are being used for spam and your form will automatically discard any submission containing any of the keywords.

Keyword Blocking


Approval Workflow Email Customization

Yes, finally, just like the email content template that is fully customizable, you can now also customize the approval workflow email and use merge tags!

Approval Workflow Email Template

These new features are part of the latest version of MachForm (Version 17) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: New Rating Field
  • Feature: New Rating Scorecard Report Widget
  • Feature: Keyword Blocking on form submissions
  • Feature: Customizable Approval Workflow Email Content
  • Feature: Recent Emails suggestion on email entry page
  • Feature: Entries Grid widget now support filtering
  • Update: PHP 8.1 Compatibility
  • Update: MySQL errors will be logged into PHP error log file
  • Update: Improved accessibility for screen readers on error messages and grouped fields
  • Update: Grid widget now will display all selected columns
  • Update: Added option to pass user and password to bind Active Directory (user:pass@ldap-hostname)
  • Update: Removed Deprecated PayPal Pro REST API for new forms
  • Update: Added option to force clear entries filter using “clear_filter=1” parameter on entries page
  • Bugfix: Forms having signature fields doesn’t display submit button on review pages
  • Bugfix: The “delay notification until paid” option doesn’t work properly on a form having payment and approval enabled at once, logic notifications and integrations doesn’t work
  • Bugfix: “Todays entries” count doesn’t reset correctly
  • Bugfix: “Session expired” error on payment pages for, Braintree, PayPal REST
  • Bugfix: “ID required” error on payment pages
  • Bugfix: Unable to approve entry on view entry page
  • Bugfix: Field logic conditions doesn’t consistently ignore HTML tags
  • Bugfix: Unable to import form from previous versions
  • Bugfix: Empty merge tag for signature field doesn’t generate empty data
  • Bugfix: Some tables not being cleared when a form being deleted
  • Bugfix: Disabled/deleted forms still able to accept payments
  • Bugfix: Edit link shouldn’t be prompted for form password any longer
  • Bugfix: The PDF export on entry page is missing the form title

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 16 Released. PHP 8 Compatibility and Security Release.

Howdy folks!

PHP 8 has been officially released to the general availability on November 26, 2020 which offers big performance improvement. It is a major version update with a large number of changes that break backward compatibility and many features that were deprecated within the PHP 7.x feature releases have been officially removed.

Today, we’re happy to let you know that we’ve just released MachForm 16, which is fully compatible with PHP 8.


PHP 8 Compatibility - MachForm


The new version of MachForm (version 16) is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

Security Updates

MachForm v16 also include updates to fix the following security issues:

  • HTTP Host Header Injection
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Unauthenticated HTML File Upload / Extension filter bypass
  • Unauthenticated Unrestricted File Upload Remote Code Execution

Thank you to Derrie Sutton of Tenable, Inc. for privately disclosing the vulnerabilities above and provide us time to fix the issue.

The advisory providing more technical details regarding the issue is available here:

PHP Version Requirement

MachForm v16 requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 7.2. If you’re still using older version, you’ll need to upgrade your PHP version first.

We strongly recommend you to upgrade due to improved compatibility and security updates within this release.


  • Update: PHP 8 Compatibility
  • Update: Faster loading time upon login, particularly on instance having large amount of forms
  • Update: User having “Edit Form” permission is now able to manage access to the associated form
  • Update: Removed standard file upload. File uploads now using advanced uploader
  • Update: Added hostname to the QR Code generated for 2-step-verification, to allow adding multiple instances of MachForm to auth app
  • Update: Updated Dutch translation file
  • Update: Updated front-end forms jQuery library to v3.5.1
  • Update: Smoother iframe scrolling on embedded form
  • Security: HTTP ‘Host’ header injection
  • Security: Prevent CSRF by using CSRF Token and “SameSite” Cookie
  • Security: Removed unused file that can be used for open redirect
  • Security: Changed file upload default behaviour to block all file types, unless otherwise allowed within the whitelist
  • Bugfix: Unique field caused validation problem when “Allow user to edit completed entry” enabled
  • Bugfix: Form with single checkboxes field considered as duplicate entries even though user selected different values
  • Bugfix: Suspended users shouldn’t be displayed within the access list on form info page
  • Bugfix: When “Allow user to edit completed entry” enabled on form with single page, clicking “Open Blank Form” generate error
  • Bugfix: Field having HTML characters within the label are displayed incorrectly on logic settings page
  • Bugfix: Exporting entries/form on server with zlib.output_compression turned on, result to a zipped content
  • Bugfix: Approval columns on form having review table wasn’t created properly on the review table, which resulted to error message when user clicking the resume link
  • Bugfix: Send File as Attachment option shouldn’t attach files for receipt emails
  • Bugfix: Form title doesn’t display correctly on dashboard when using long Unicode characters
  • Bugfix: Editing entry on admin dashboard on form with ‘edit entry’ enabled, in certain case generate error message
  • Bugfix: On a form with ‘edit entry’ enabled, file upload fields always display “required” error message, even if there is file exist already
  • Bugfix: “Edit User” page can’t accept email address containing apostrophe
  • Bugfix: When shipping option is not enabled, Google Pay won’t work
  • Bugfix: Accessibility issue with error messages
  • Bugfix: Email validation allows two consecutive dots
  • Bugfix: On some system, the payment amount on entries page aren’t displayed using 2 digit decimals
  • Bugfix: Unique validation generate error message under MySQL 8

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version.

MachForm 15 Released. Share forms with other users.

Howdy folks! 🙂

Previously, when you need to share your form with other users, you’ll need to become an administrator or contact your administrator to change the permissions of your form.

Using the new manage access feature, you can now do this on your own!
To use this feature, you can go to your Form Info page.

Form Info - MachForm

and then choose manage access

Manage Access - MachForm

You’ll be able to assign specific permissions for each user:

Manage Access - MachForm

This new feature is part of the new version of MachForm (Version 15) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added new feature and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: Allow users to share forms on their own
  • Feature: Added option to open a blank new form when running under “edit entry” mode
  • Bugfix: User without ‘edit entry’ permission shouldn’t be able to see the edit link on entry
  • Bugfix: ‘exif_read_data()’ warning message upon upload
  • Bugfix: ‘mime_content_type()’ error message upon upload
  • Bugfix: When default admin theme is not vibrant, user won’t be able to choose vibrant as their preferred theme
  • Bugfix: Compatibility issue with the webhook sending incorrect Authorization: BASIC header
  • Bugfix: Compatibility with PHP 7.4 when sending using SMTP
  • Bugfix: Stripe compatibility issue with PHP 7.4
  • Bugfix: Signature images has wrong path on windows server when MachForm installed on root domain
  • Bugfix: On a single-page form, submitting a new form immediately after editing an entry will overwrite the data to the previously edited entry
  • Bugfix: Edit entry on form with payment and ‘delay notification until paid’ turned on won’t resend notification
  • Bugfix: Edit entry on form having payment enabled and review page will always redirect to payment page, even if the status already paid
  • Bugfix: Saving error when the form is having ‘Allow Users to Save and Resume Later’ and ‘Allow Users to Edit Completed Submission’ turned on at the same time
  • Bugfix: The “Default From Name” is not being used when creating new forms
  • Bugfix: Improved accessibility with text captcha
  • Bugfix: Improved accessibility on submit buttons
  • Bugfix: New Stripe API keys are 255 characters long, the old one are 50 characters long
  • Bugfix: Activity log not deleted when delete ALL entries, reset the entries ID or delete with MF_CONF_TRUE_DELETE enabled
  • Bugfix: Entry’s ‘Date Created’ is being overwritten incorrectly when both Edit Entry and Resume feature enabled
  • Bugfix: When email subject is having quotes characters and PDF enabled, the PDF can’t be attached
  • Bugfix: Variable typo on confirm page
  • Bugfix: Fixes error message ‘implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated’
  • Bugfix: Date field can’t handle “is empty” condition on entries/grid page
  • Bugfix: First attempt on solving captcha always resulted to failure
  • Bugfix: When ‘enable choice limit’ turned on and limit has reached maximum, admin can’t edit the entry
  • Bugfix: Webhook won’t be send any longer when the target URL doesn’t have path/only domain
  • Bugfix: Added config option to enable/disable SQL debug mode
  • Update: Internal CAPTCHA no longer uses session
  • Bugfix: Theme not applied in form locked when user not set theme in their profile
  • Bugfix: Entries column preferences not deleted when field has been deleted
  • Bugfix: Removed hard coding on default name and from email address in logic notification
  • Bugfix: mf.js generate console error message when receiving postMessage from external script

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 14 Released. Allow Form Users to Edit Completed Submission!

Howdy folks! 🙂

By default, once a form has been submitted by the end-users, the form data can’t be updated any longer by the end users and only admin having the ability to edit the data.

In some cases, you might need to allow your form users to modify their submission on a later date.

Using the Allow Users to Edit Completed Submission feature, you can do this easily. When you enabled this feature, the end-users will see an edit link on the success page of the form and receive a confirmation email containing the edit link as well (you’ll need to enable confirmation email on your form).

Edit Completed Submission - MachForm

To enable this feature on your form, edit your form, click the Form Properties tab and click the show more options link. Then check the Allow Users to Edit Completed Submission option.

Edit Completed Submission - MachForm

For more details, please check Allow Users to Edit Completed Submission in MachForm.

This new feature is part of the new version of MachForm (Version 14) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added new feature and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: Allow Users to Edit Completed Submission
  • Bugfix: Braintree payments deprecated issue
  • Bugfix: Theme selection not available on user profile page when LDAP enabled
  • Bugfix: On multipage form, logic emails are being sent twice when the skip page logic to success page is active
  • Bugfix: Any field with field visibility “Hidden” and “required” at the same time is causing validation error and prevent the form from being submitted
  • Bugfix: Submitting payment on Stripe for recurring payment with setup fee generate “Received unknown parameter: account_balance” error
  • Bugfix: Resuming deleted incomplete entries shouldn’t be possible
  • Bugfix: Can’t decrypt multi-field (address, name, etc) when there is empty field in the middle
  • Bugfix: Editing/adding folder doesn’t work on Edge browser
  • Bugfix: JPEG file sometimes uploaded with incorrect orientation

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 13.1 Released. Maintenance Update.

We’re releasing a new maintenance update that addresses a major issue with Google Chrome and Safari browser when opening embedded forms coming from a different domain.

When a page having a form embedded from a different domain, Chrome and Safari will keep refreshing the page in an attempt to get a session cookie, which is now completely blocked by Chrome and Safari. In some cases, you’ll also receive “session expired” error message.

Version 13.1 fixed the whole issue and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area. We strongly recommend you upgrade if you have forms embedded in different domains.


  • Bugfix: Forms keep refreshing due to Safari and Chrome blocked third party cookies
  • Feature: Option to pin/unpin smart folders sidebar
  • Bugfix: The signature link from the export entries or Google Sheets is not displaying the signature
  • Bugfix: Credit card payment page not fully translated to other languages
  • Bugfix: Creating new folder having conditions will remove other folders conditions
  • Bugfix: Typed signature doesn’t render on windows servers
  • Bugfix: Entries page loading very slow when having large payment records
  • Bugfix: Date validation doesn’t filter day-30 on February
  • Bugfix: Compatibility with PHP 7.4
  • Bugfix: Updated reCAPTCHA library to use CURL on host that disabled allow_url_fopen
  • Bugfix: Braintree deprecated issue
  • Bugfix: SQL incompatibility with MySQL 8 on payment settings page
  • Bugfix: Duplicating a form with approval workflow doesn’t duplicate the form permissions as well

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MySQL Version Requirement

MachForm v13.1 requires the minimum version of MySQL on your server to be at least 5.0, If you’re still using older version you’ll need to upgrade your MySQL version first.

MachForm Cloud Users

There is no further action required on your side. MachForm Cloud is not affected with this issue.


MachForm 13 Released. Smart Folders and Dark Mode!

Howdy folks! 🙂

We’re excited to let you know that we’ve added several exciting new features to MachForm!

Smart Folders

We improved the old “Form Filters” functionality and bring it to the next level as Smart Folders!

Smart Folders automatically find and organize forms on your MachForm by your search criteria. Because they update continuously, these folders can save you a lot of time and effort, particularly when you have large amount of forms.

For example, you can create a Smart Folder to get the following:

  • Forms created by a certain user
  • Forms having a specific one or more tags
  • Forms having a specific keyword within the title
  • Forms having X amount of entries within the last X days/months
  • Forms having any entry within the last X day/week/month/year
  • Forms with active status only
  • Forms with deleted status only
  • and many others

Smart Folders

Creating a smart folder is easy and straight forward. Simply create the folder and define the conditions for the folder. You can have as many conditions as you need for each folder.

Adding Smart Folders

Dark Mode

Yes, it’s the same dark mode as you’ve seen on your smartphones! It’s finally coming into MachForm.

When using the Dark Mode theme, MachForm admin panel uses a darker color palette for all screens, views, menus, and controls, and it uses more vibrancy to make foreground content stand out against the darker backgrounds.

Users are now able to choose their own preferred admin panel theme, including the new Dark Mode theme.


Dark Mode

These new features are part of the latest version of MachForm (Version 13) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, security updates and bugfixes. We strongly recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities and security updates within this release.


  • Feature: Smart Folders
  • Feature: Dark Mode admin panel theme
  • Bugfix: Editing an entry with existing signature field from older version will discard the signature
  • Bugfix: When LDAP enabled (not exclusively), unable to edit users email address & password
  • Bugfix: When review page enabled, logic emails are being sent twice when the skip page logic to success page is active
  • Bugfix: Unable to turn off Apple Pay / Google Pay option on Stripe integration
  • Bugfix: guidelines_bottom should set the width of the field to maximum width
  • Bugfix: Resume link not displayed once an entry has been updated
  • Bugfix: Unable to remove attached files when editing an entry
  • Bugfix: Recurring payment on Stripe marked as Test Mode even when using live keys
  • Bugfix: Customer Name not sent to Stripe correctly
  • Bugfix: Google Sheets/Calendar integration run twice when the form having skip page logic turned on
  • Improvement: Updated DOMPDF library to 0.8.3 for improved result and compatibility with PHP7.3, also avoid being flagged as spam
  • Improvement: Added option to disable links within PDF sent through notification emails
  • Security Update: Prevent null bytes injection attack

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 12 Released. New Signature Field and Embed PDF!

Howdy folks! 🙂

We’ve been working hard since our last update on January and I’m happy to let you know that we’ve added several exciting new features into MachForm!

New and Improved Signature Field!

We have rewritten the entire Signature field code and it’s now better than ever. The new signature field generates a smoother signature and compatible with more devices. Fully support display with High DPI and works great with Tablet PC (Microsoft Surface Pro), either using a mouse, touch screen or stylus pen.

New Signature Field

Also, the new signature field allows you to either draw the signature or just type it and MachForm will generate the signature image!

Audit Trail

Digital signatures are just as legally binding as handwritten signatures. Now that we’ve improved the signature field, we also went further and provide you with the tool to ensure the integrity of your data: Audit Trail

Audit Trail

When you update any form’s entry, MachForm will automatically log the complete information (Name, Email, IP Address, Browser information, Timestamp) of the person who modified the entry.

Embed PDF Document

Need to display large contract document to your client? Or display complex infographics data? Just put them into PDF document and then embed the PDF directly into your form!

Embed PDF

We’ve improved the Media field and you can now use it to embed PDF documents directly into your forms.

Easy Export/Import Form Template

This feature was a bit hidden and now we’ve moved it to the Form Manager page so that any users could easily export or import form template.

Export/Import Form Template

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) support for Stripe

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), a new rule coming into effect on September 14, 2019 as part of PSD2 regulation in Europe, will require changes to how your European customers authenticate online payments.

When it goes into effect, a form of two-factor authentication will be required for many card payments. Unless you update your integration, your customers’ banks will decline many transactions.

We’ve updated our Stripe integration to fully support Strong Customer Authentication. Updating your MachForm with this version (v12) will make you comply with the SCA rule.

Customizable PDF Content

Yes, finally, just like the email content template that is fully customizable, you can now also customize the content of the PDF attached to the notification emails!

Export/Import Form Template

These new features are part of the latest version of MachForm (Version 12) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: New and Improved Signature Field
  • Feature: Embed PDF Document into form using Media Field
  • Feature: Audit Trail for Entries
  • Feature: Customizable PDF Content
  • Feature: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) support for Stripe
  • Improvement: Export/Import form template from the form manager page
  • Improvement: Removed days limit from the max/min date property
  • Bugfix: Connecting to Google Calendar after connecting to Google Sheet within the same form generates error message
  • Bugfix: On certain conditions, deleting one field would delete other field logic rules
  • Bugfix: Some encrypted field type (address, name) won’t saved correctly when review page is enabled
  • Bugfix: Choice limit is not validated correctly upon form submission
  • Bugfix: Added ‘Gibraltar’ into the country list
  • Bugfix: Matrix fields hidden due to logic shouldn’t be displayed within email
  • Bugfix: Google Calendar integration generate error message upon empty date values
  • Bugfix: Uploaded files name having quotes as part of the filename can’t be deleted from the form
  • Bugfix: When logic to display success page enabled, the default form redirect is not working
  • Bugfix: Internal image captcha won’t be displayed using PHP 7.2
  • Bugfix: Password reset option generates error message using MySQL 5.7
  • Bugfix: PDF Export doesn’t display decrypted data when key is available

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 11 Released. Google Calendar Integration!

Howdy folks! 🙂

Our previous release added Google Sheets integration to MachForm and now I’m happy to let you know that Google Calendar integration is also coming into MachForm!

With Google Calendar integration, you can now create an event on your Google Calendar automatically when your form received a new entry. We’re implementing a native / direct integration with Google Calendar without using any third-party service and this means your data will go directly from your MachForm to Google securely and without any additional third-party fees!

Google Sheets Integration - MachForm
For more details, please check Google Calendar Integration in MachForm.

This new feature is part of the new version of MachForm (Version 11) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: Google Calendar integration
  • Improvement: Data encryption support more field types (Name, Email, Phone, Address)
  • Bugfix: Pricing item with quantity 0 shouldn’t be displayed on the item list on payment page
  • Bugfix: New field on newly created unsaved form can’t be deleted
  • Bugfix: Disabled form still accept entries when data posted using custom script and target the form directly
  • Bugfix: Unable to connect to Google Sheets on accounts using language other than English
  • Bugfix: Distorted logo on mobile device, particularly when the logo is smaller than 480px
  • Bugfix: Adding new rows and columns at the same time to an existing matrix field result to an incomplete matrix with missing options
  • Bugfix: Multiple checkboxes having ‘others’ field aren’t validated correctly when ‘required’ enabled
  • Bugfix: Incorrect position label on show/hide field logic page dropdown
  • Bugfix: Iframe title is not being set when using javascript/jquery code

PHP Version Requirement

MachForm v11 requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 5.5. If you’re still using older version (PHP 5.3), you need to upgrade your PHP version first.

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 10 Released. Google Sheets Integration!

Howdy folks! 🙂

I’m happy to let you know that Google Sheets integration is finally coming into MachForm!

With Google Sheets integration, you can now easily save your form entries data to your Google Sheets spreadsheet automatically. We’re implementing a native / direct integration with Google Sheets without using any third-party service and this means your data will go directly from your MachForm to Google securely and without any additional third-party fees!

Google Sheets Integration - MachForm
For more details, please check Google Sheets Integration in MachForm.

This new feature is part of the new version of MachForm (Version 10) which we’ve just released today and it is now available for downloads on Billing Area.

This update added several new features, improvements, and bugfixes. We recommend you to upgrade due to improved functionalities within this release.


  • Feature: Google Sheets integration
  • Improvement: Automatically populate all fields into the webhook settings
  • Improvement: Added approval status in export entries
  • Bugfix: PHP 7.2 compatibility issue. Warning message when editing a form that contain matrix field
  • Bugfix: Session expired message being displayed instead of success message on IE when the form is embedded and have review enabled
  • Bugfix: Swiftmailer support for TLS 1.2
  • Bugfix: Deleted forms settings or entries shouldn’t be accessible any longer from admin panel
  • Bugfix: Calendar picker not displayed for European date when input focused using keyboard
  • Bugfix: Exporting filtered entries that contain approval status doesn’t produce the correct results
  • Bugfix: Time options (show seconds/24 hours format) aren’t displayed properly on edit form mode
  • Bugfix: Zero values in date range setting is not being validated correctly
  • Bugfix: Deleted user profile shouldn’t be accessible from admin panel any longer
  • Bugfix: Restricted page doesn’t pull the correct theme

PHP Version Requirement

As of v10, MachForm requires the minimum version of PHP on your server to be at least PHP 5.5. If you’re still using older version (PHP 5.3), you need to upgrade your PHP version first.

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

MachForm 9 Released. GDPR and Data Retention.

Howdy folks! 🙂

Two weeks ago, we released MachForm 8, which add Apple Pay functionality to your form. Today, we have several important news that we would like to share with you.

I’m sure you’ve heard it a lot, our focus today will be on GDPR.



The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. We can assure you that MachForm Cloud will be in full compliance with GDPR by this date.

To help you understand what this means for you, and the steps we have taken to ensure the protection of personal data, we have created a new GDPR section on our website.

Please check it below for more details:

MachForm and GDPR Compliance

In addition, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to comply with the new requirements of GDPR.

The updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service automatically comes into effect for all MachForm Cloud users on 25 May 2018. So your continued use of the MachForm Cloud from that date will be subject to it.



One of the vital points in GDPR is Data Retention, and I’m happy to let you know that we’ve just released MachForm version 9 that will allow you to control the data retention of your form entries easily.

MachForm Data Retention Control

Using this new feature, you can specify how long MachForm retains form data before automatically deleting it (go to Settings -> Advanced Options to activate it). Thank your for your feedback regarding this in our community forum!

MachForm version 9 is now available for downloads on Billing Area.


  • Feature: Data Retention control

How to Update

This update is FREE for all users having an active support contract.
As mentioned above, you can download it on Billing Area.

Follow this upgrade instruction:
Upgrading MachForm Self-Hosted 

MachForm Cloud Users

If you’re subscribed to any of our MachForm Cloud plans, there is no further action required on your side. We’ve automatically updated MachForm version on all our cloud users with the latest version. You can use the new features right now!

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